For Sale: 20 GB laptop HDD 4200RPM Travelstar

Posted by: bigstupidjerk

For Sale: 20 GB laptop HDD 4200RPM Travelstar - 11/03/2004 14:54

I was going to install this in my 20GB Empeg but i bought it thinking i had only 6 or 10 GB in there. Upon opening my riocar, i saw a 20 GB and knew I'd never use it. I'm asking $75 plus $8 shipping. US only! It is in new condition, taken out of a recently upgraded NEW laptop.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: For Sale: 20 GB laptop HDD 4200RPM Travelstar - 11/03/2004 16:04

i saw a 20 GB and knew I'd never use it.

You will be amazed at how quickly you will fill up that 20 GB.

The empeg will completely change the way you manage and listen to music, and the capability of having evry bit of audio you own instantly available at all times will encourage you to expand your listening preferences into other areas.

I'm betting that 20 GB will not be enough for you a year from now.

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: For Sale: 20 GB laptop HDD 4200RPM Travelstar - 12/03/2004 00:31

I bought my empeg with 12GB storage thinking it'd just barely cover me.

I'm at 140GB now with less than 2GB left. After shipping and whatnot, I think it'd be worth just holding onto it IMHO. We can walk you through the upgrade too.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: For Sale: 20 GB laptop HDD 4200RPM Travelstar - 12/03/2004 05:32

Posted by: bigstupidjerk

Re: For Sale: 20 GB laptop HDD 4200RPM Travelstar - 12/03/2004 14:04

i know, i know... i've been told that it'll barely cover me but i've had my riocar since 2001. i'm anal about loading crappy tracks that i would normally skip through on the CD. therefore it has taken me more that 2 years just to load 8GB. but you do have a point. i'm only a freshman to the BBS so...
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: For Sale: 20 GB laptop HDD 4200RPM Travelstar - 12/03/2004 16:16

Ah. Sorry about that. I saw "new poster" and thought you were a recent convert.