Free: Fake stock faceplate for older Volvo

Posted by: FireFox31

Free: Fake stock faceplate for older Volvo - 30/07/2004 02:03

In the process of making my fake stock faceplate for my Volvo V70, I broke the LCD and had to take the one off the "backup sacrifice" radio that I bought. So, now I have a Volvo SC-810 radio (for 740's and 850's) with no LCD. It could be used as a fake face plate for someone's older Volvo install (and I know there are some people out there with this setup). It hust needs some kind of immitation or replacement LCD; which I could not find, ultimately causing me to hack it off the spare in the first place.

Free if anyone wants it. It could easily be converted into a fake stock face plate to cover your empeg (and second head unit) hole when you leave the car. Take your empeg out and your dash could look like this.
Posted by: tms13

Re: Free: Fake stock faceplate for older Volvo - 03/08/2004 15:10

Doesn't having a broken display make it less attractive to theives? I would consider that a feature (if I had a Volvo).
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Free: Fake stock faceplate for older Volvo - 03/08/2004 16:09

Haha, good point. Might look suspicious though; who would drive with a broken display? Unfortunately, I threw out the LCD that I broke. So the radio I have now just has a gap to be filled by some spare LCD or some material that immitates the LCD's shimmery look. I don't have the tools to create the LCD, but someone mentioned hobby-grade spray paint or something.

Maybe I'll just keep the face plate and toss the rest of the (perfectly functional, but lacking a security code, probably) radio. Easier to store a thin face than the whole double DIN brick. I'll keep it around for any takers.