Empeg maybe for sale...

Posted by: james__b

Empeg maybe for sale... - 09/11/2004 11:04


I am looking to sell my Riocar, but have no sled or remote for it. All I have is the main unit. I was wondering what would be a fair price for it?

If your wonderng where the other bits went, I wish I knew. A crashed car and a house move later and I have absolutely no idea.


Posted by: DBALKUNJR

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 09/11/2004 12:02

I'm interested, email me dbalkunjr@comcast.net with model # and serial #. By the way what is the capacity?

Posted by: webroach

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 09/11/2004 23:46

I think DBALKUNJR is right about needing the serial number.

But I'd be interested as well. Again, only with a serial number, though.
Posted by: image

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 10/11/2004 04:58

and where are you located?
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 10/11/2004 23:27

The best is a photo of the unit displaying its serial number. Shows that it's working, that the S/N is correct, and that it at least has an A/C adapter. (stupid me didn't take my own advice and got a player with a dead HDD once.)
Posted by: DBALKUNJR

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 11/11/2004 10:10

What's the matter James_B? I still have not heard back from you. Did you lose the player now too??????
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 11/11/2004 10:46

He is a new poster and might not check the board that frequently.
Posted by: DBALKUNJR

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 11/11/2004 23:43

Sorry, It is just with the rash of stolen players around here lately I am taking a more "guilty until found innocent" stance with posts like his. I will give him the benefit of the doubt but, By him not coming back and replying it is making him look more and more like a crook rather than an Empeg enthusiast. I will play the bad guy here and say this. I know that all of us on this BBS try to be very nice to one another but, I smell some steaming BS on his part. I do not like to think that he is holding a stolen player and I hope he comes back and proves me wrong. It is just that right now he is not making himself look real good. New Poster + Empeg - Sled - Remote - No reply = ??? I really hope he makes me eat my words.....I am really interested in just a player, so for my sake I hope he comes back and replies. Maybe it will save me a few dollars since it not a whole "turn key" set up. I understand where you are coming from and you have stood up on the behalf of others on this board numerous times in the past(Which shows what a kind person you are). I applaud you. Sometimes I wish I could be more like you, but it is sad to say I am a cynic about things like this. I think I have been burned one to many times and it shows in situations like this.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 12/11/2004 02:24

I was hoping to handle the situation more delicately (ha, here I'm talking about it in the past tense as if it's long since over). By that I mean, buy the player now and find out if it's stolen later. Then, at least I'd have the empeg in my hands and be able to get it back to its rightful owner. Yes yes, I know, "if I ever got it" etc. And if there's no theft involved, then I have another empeg, which can only be a good thing.

Let's not jump down their throats until they pull a qbasic309 on us.
Posted by: james__b

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 16/11/2004 11:06

Rest assured that this Empeg was not stolen, though I appreciate your concerns. Whilst I don't check the board often, this is because I haven't actually put the item up for sale yet. I was looking for a general concensus as to its value to decide whether it was worth it..

It's unfair to state that I am guilty until proven innocent. I'm not going to go through the effort of taking a picture of the serial number if I'm not sure I'm selling.

In light of the concerns expressed on this board, it may seem safer to place this item on Ebay (with a picture of the serial no.), then at least the buyer can pay through Paypal and the whole transaction will be more traceable.

Having read the qtbasic 309 thread, it does seem (understandably) that the inherent trust that was evident on this board has been destroyed. I think it is important, however, not to jump to conclusions and tar everyone with the same brush.


Posted by: LittleBlueThing

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 17/11/2004 09:14

Well James

You may want to start by giving a bit more information to help price it.

Which continent would be a good start

Have you done any research into what affects the price?
Size of hard drive?
Original manuals/remotes/boxes etc

OK, the sled was lost in the crash - do you have a power supply or did that get lost in the move in which case the buyer would be buying on trust that "it worked a couple of years ago".

Assuming a lack of PSU would mean the buyer probably will want to come round to your place with a psu or maybe a sled in their car.

All of which affects the price.

Of course if you think using Ebay/Paypal makes it seem safer then fair enough - good luck. I wouldn't touch this on Ebay because Paypal is essentially posting cash to someone and is pretty much untraceable without recourse to the police/FBI etc.

Oh, and if you're interested I'll offer £150 assuming you are in the south of england, east anglia or london and I can see and hear it before giving you cash. I'll go to £175 if it has a big hard disk). I'd also need a photo of serial number.
Price goes up if you can find the remote and/or psu. Down if it's a MkII or MKI.

I think the only sensible way to buy this is if I met you face-to-face in which case we'd need to follow your standard 'auto-trader' type advice and arrange a meeting place, have some photo ID, that kind of thing.

PM me if you're interested.

Posted by: Ladmo

Re: Empeg maybe for sale... - 17/11/2004 12:34

I totally disagree with James_B
I bought a tuner kit from someone on this board (Thanks SonicLoop!), who said he had had it a while, and it was still in the original package from PCats. He had a reasonable reason for not having it assembled and why he had held on to if for the length of time he had it.He sent me a picture of it, and was willing to hold it for a couple of weeks until I could come up with the cash. I then got a Postal Money Order, sent him scans of the PO with the serial number on it. I received the package in prime condition, assembled it, and it works like a champ. I had the ability to check his activity on this board and his website, had great communications with him (both ways). And was a great experience.
In contrast, I have tried to work with others (eBay incluted) with horable experiences, including the infamous 'Oh, I made a mistake and did not mean to post a BIN price on it'.....

James, you were given great advice to get your (?) empeg to a loving home, but hell...you wouldn't bring home a cat from the pound without looking at it, making sure the shots were update and spayed or neutered...It would be like buying a regular car/stereo deck from the 'flee market' with the harness clipped or the sled mangled with plyers....get the picture? If it is a legit sale, just provide a few pictures, resonable history (where YOU got it from) a serial number, and, crap man, you can get a p/s for it for 15 bucks or lest at your local electronics store....make sure the thing works...you get a better price.
Just my opinion. (don't worry, I've been knocked about a bit here, but then, I've knocked back!)