XP & MAcros?

Posted by: jets

XP & MAcros? - 04/08/2002 06:55

maybe someone here knows wtf is going on. i'm just getting everything installed on my brand new computer and i installed office xp. now i try and start word and i get an error message saying:

Microsoft Visual Basic

The macros in this project are disabled. please refer to online help...blah, blah.

any idea why this is happening?
Posted by: eslange

Re: XP & MAcros? - 04/08/2002 23:47

Did you followed the thread regarding my submitted WORD macro to convert Empeg CSV-file into word catalogue?

The most common problem was due to macro security settings. If set to high, it does not see/can not execute the macro. So... go to tools->macro->security (or something) and lower the security. After doing so you have to restart word.

Good luck.

Posted by: jets

Re: XP & MAcros? - 05/08/2002 10:28

thanks, that worked.