Oh no...

Posted by: tonyc

Oh no... - 26/08/2002 10:59

Posted by: davec

Re: Oh no... - 26/08/2002 11:16

It used to be that the VW Beetle and Microbus were "affordable" vehicles. Now they're just over-priced like everything else on 4 wheels. I'm thinking it will MSRP at over $25k...
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Oh no... - 26/08/2002 11:30

Actually, that's probably a low estimate... Considering the Passat clocks in around $25k, I'd say the Microbus has a good chance of being $30k+. Plus who knows where the U.S. dollar will be in terms of inflation, etc. in 2005.
Posted by: davec

Re: Oh no... - 26/08/2002 11:38

Actually, that's probably a low estimate

I was being conservative
Didn't they tout the new Beetle as being affordable for awhile, then it debuted at $16k+ and the word affordable no longer existed in their vocabulary? How much extra was the flower vase and flower option anyways?
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Oh no... - 26/08/2002 11:43

Yeah, they've been talking about bringing that back for a while now. Hadn't seen pictures though.

I never understand why some parts of concept cars are unrealistic from the get-go.

Who isn't going to hit the legs on that thing below the steering wheel? And what is that anyway?

And these days you should realize that $16K is considered affordable. Good luck finding many cars that are cheaper than that. Especially ones like the bug.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Oh no... - 26/08/2002 11:46

It's the tiptronic shifter, and it's not really below the wheel, it's off to the side. But it still looks like it would get in the way.

<dramatic pause>

Especially during feeble attempts to engage in road head. Something EVERYONE is going to want to do given the microbus' lineage. How many of us were conceived in those things, anyway?
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Oh no... - 26/08/2002 11:50

okay, now I see it. I saw the mention in the article, but I couldn't see that that was a lever.

And yes, I imagine it would get in the way
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Oh no... - 26/08/2002 14:44

yeah...someone might work the wrong lever
Posted by: Laura

Re: Oh no... - 26/08/2002 15:04

Heaven forbid that happen.