Amps + Rain

Posted by: robricc

Amps + Rain - 13/10/2002 19:59

It rained all day yesterday and it seems as if my car has an unidentified water problem. I was driving to a computer show yesterday when 20 minutes into my drive, I notice two of my speakers shutting off. Then, all of them. I kept driving and fiddling with the empeg. I was in silence for 15 minutes before the sound came back (with 2 speakers going in and out). When I finally stopped at my destination I was horrified to see one of my amps with water all over it. My carpet was also soaked. I am leaning toward the possibility that my hatch (trunk, boot) wasn't 100% shut since there was no more moisture getting in the rest of the day.

On my drive home, I was getting static through my speakers after 20 minutes. I only drove for about 30 minutes total today, but the problem didn't come back. I am driving 12 hours next weekend, so I want an opinion on what I should do.

I am thinking of having my car audio dealer RMA my amp (I think it's still under warranty). On the outside, you can't tell there was water on it. But, you may be able to tell when you open it. This is a scummy thing to do, but I can't be buying a new amp right now and I need the empeg for this weekend. Need advice. Is it possible that once the amp was completely dry, it is fine now?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Amps + Rain - 13/10/2002 22:13

Man that sucks. I don't know what you should do, but all I know is that I had a remote control tank when I was little and the older kid that lived down the street convinced me to drive it through a ditch full of water (he said tanks were meant to go through water), and it was never the same after that. I loved that could even control the cannon and it would make a noise and light up a little light when you pushed the fire button. And of couse there was no way I could get a new one because it came straight from the North Pole.

If I were you, first I'd go for an hour drive (if you have the free time) and see if it still has any problems.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Amps + Rain - 14/10/2002 01:57

Is it possible that once the amp was completely dry, it is fine now?

If you had gotten the amplifier wet without power, then dried it thoroughly before powering it up, chances are excellent that it would be none the worse for the experience.

However, since it was powered up when it was wet, and actually failed when wet, things are not as hopeful.

Nonetheless, the fact that it seems to work now that it is dried out would indicate that no permanent damage (i.e., component failure) has occurred.

I'd do like Paul (d33zY) suggested and make sure it is totally dry, then give it a good test run. Since it does work now, it is probably OK.

Posted by: boxer

Re: Amps + Rain - 14/10/2002 03:25

If it's any help to you, I once abandoned a Saab 99 in a flood up to the roof with the ignition still on and the radio. Once it dried out, the radio and cassette worked fine - but the speakers made it sound like a martian invasion.

If you made a mistake it was running it still wet.
Posted by: AndrewT

Re: Amps + Rain - 14/10/2002 03:30

Some of the larger windshield installation companies have an ultrasound tester they can use to pinpoint potential leaks. It works by placing an ultrasonic emitter inside a closed vehicle and sniffing with a probe from the outside.

I'd imagine that if you turned up at their depot they'd check your car for the cost of a few beers.
Posted by: robricc

Re: Amps + Rain - 14/10/2002 06:27

That ultrasound thing sounds good. I'm gonna have the dealer look at the car on Wednesday. If they (likely) can't find anything wrong, I will probably try and get the amp replaced. I may go for a long drive for the hell of it tomorrow though just to see if I'm OK for the weekend.