when I was little...

Posted by: ithoughti

when I was little... - 18/10/2002 10:07

When I was little, about 6 or 7 I think, my friend Kyle did a commercial for Polar Beverages (local soft drink maker) and for payment they gave him tons of Polar Beverage products like soda and stuff. For a long time after that I thought that if you did a commercial you would get paid with whatever product you were sellng. Like if you did a Pizza Hut commercial you would get a lifetime supply of pizza, or if you did a car commercial, you would just automatically get to drive away in the car that was in the ad.

I'm so silly.
Posted by: revlmwest

Re: when I was little... - 18/10/2002 10:21

I'm not sure how silly you are, but you are a bit random....
Posted by: davec

Re: when I was little... - 18/10/2002 10:40

Heh, I always thought that when a song was playing on the radio "live" the artist was actually at the radio station performing the song... I guess I was silly, too...
Posted by: revlmwest

Re: when I was little... - 18/10/2002 10:50

We've had several children hear someone sing a song at church, then hear it on the radio and tell their friends that the singer attends their church.... Wow Michael W. Smith goes to your church
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: when I was little... - 18/10/2002 14:30

I used to think all grandfather's first names were Paul, because that was the name of my mom's father, and everyone else also referred to their grandfathers as "grandpaul". I was surprised when I found out that my dad's father's name is actually Spencer.

- Paul
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: when I was little... - 18/10/2002 22:04

Chester Drawers.

'nuff said.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: when I was little... - 19/10/2002 02:11

And I know everyone went through the "h-i-j-k-ellahminnopee" phase.
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: when I was little... - 20/10/2002 15:58

Errr... wasn't that the "h-i-j-k-ellamenno-Q" phase?
Posted by: frog51

Re: when I was little... - 21/10/2002 02:00

I think that may be just an Americanism? Certainly at my infant school there was no song for spelling , you just learned your Ah, Buh, Cuh and then progressed to Ay, Bee, Cee.

Could have been more fun with a rock beat, though.
Posted by: frog51

Re: when I was little... - 21/10/2002 02:01

In reply to:

Errr... wasn't that the "h-i-j-k-ellamenno-Q" phase?

What about the Peeee?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: when I was little... - 21/10/2002 05:56

Well when little kids sing the song they tend to slur together L-M-N-O-P, and I used to think it was all one letter.
Posted by: jets

Re: when I was little... - 21/10/2002 06:11

They used to have snickers candy bar commercials and a guy would close his hand (with peanuts in his hand) and upon re-opening it there would be this candy bar. Boy was my mom upset when she came into the kitchen and found peanuts eveywhere and my struggling in frustration trying to get my candy bar!
Posted by: lectric

Re: when I was little... - 21/10/2002 08:07

What about the Peeee?

Heh, it's running down my leg...

God, I haven heard that joke in 20 years.
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: when I was little... - 22/10/2002 00:28

Me, neither. deezy's post reminded me of it -- I thought that's what he was talking about.
Posted by: jbauer

Re: when I was little... - 23/10/2002 00:42

Have you guys seen this?


- Jon
Posted by: davec

Re: when I was little... - 23/10/2002 04:57

Hmmm according to this page at iusedtobelieve.com, I am not the only one that thought the performers were actually at the radio station performing thier song.. Whew! I am normal, aren't I????