looking for dead ibook g3 power adapter

Posted by: Daria

looking for dead ibook g3 power adapter - 21/07/2003 13:34

I'm wondering if any of you might have a dead Apple "45w power adapter", the round disc thing which came with (at least) G3 iBooks, that you'd be willing to part with cheaply. There's something I'd like to do as a gift for my wife, but I'd rather not chuck a pile of money on one that works so I can destroy it.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: looking for dead ibook g3 power adapter - 21/07/2003 14:31

I do.

I'm not willing to part with it super-cheap, as I hacked it back together enough that it works as a backup, but my wife doesn't like me using it.

Also, the plastic that surrounds the DC plug is gone, replaced with electrical tape, if that makes any difference.
Posted by: Daria

Re: looking for dead ibook g3 power adapter - 21/07/2003 15:07

If it works, that's probably really more useful than what I had in mind.