Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music

Posted by: ninti

Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 01:18

This site went down for a while so he could re-tool it, but it is back up and even better. This is one of the most comprehensive listing of electronic music and its sub-genres and history. With over 800 music samples and a nice flash interface, it is great fun and extremely informative.
Posted by: altman

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 08:21

Now that *is* fun. Boy is he opinionated

Posted by: lopan

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 08:47

I don't understand why Electronic music people feel the need to break down every different sounding style into seperate genres??? Honestly would you say music by "the doors" is a different genre then say "Jimmy Hendrix"? Possibly but if your like 90% of normal people you'd classify it as rock or classic rock. This is mostly what I listen to, man is it annoying trying to search through all this crap by genre.... alas I always end up changing the genre to the generic "electronic"...
Posted by: peter

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:15

Honestly would you say music by "the doors" is a different genre then say "Jimmy Hendrix"? Possibly but if your like 90% of normal people you'd classify it as rock or classic rock.
I dunno, I'd like to see more balkanization of rock genres -- it's not helpful to me, when hoping for indie/dance crossover stuff such as the Stone Roses or New Order, to see it tagged with the same genre as interesting-but-not-my-cup-of-tea stuff such as Rush or The Darkness, or flat-out drivel such as Bruce Springsteen.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:16

Honestly would you say music by "the doors" is a different genre then say "Jimmy Hendrix"?
Ummm. Yeah. Maybe not to the point of including it in the empeg, but I think anyone making comparisons between The Doors and Hendrix is terribly misguided and anyone suggesting that someone who likes one will like the other isn't being helpful, either.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:17

Wait. Bruce Springsteen is drivel (which I won't argue with), but The Darkness is not? What planet are you from?

I mean, I can't imagine a world where The Darkness isn't drivel by any criterion.
Posted by: lopan

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:22

The Doors and Hendrix is terribly misguided.

Ok, first example that came into my head but it's not like comparing "The Doors" to "Karen Carpenter" , To me it's both classic rock, perhaps a new genre like "druged up and freakish" and "druged up and Blues influenced" need to be in place... I dunno...
Posted by: lopan

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:27

I dunno, I'd like to see more balkanization of rock genres

I agree, but not to the extreme of the electronic folk, that just gets confusing... "dude, I said breakbeat funkodelic mayhem, not electro pulsating jungle ass drone.... c'mon man...." I can see it now...
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:29

I don't know. I think The Doors have more in common with The Carpenters than they do with Jimi, and not just because of the names. They're both crooner-style singers. Okay, that may be the only one, but I can't think of any comparators between The Doors and Jimi. They were contemporaries? So were Little Richard and Doris Day.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:29

breakbeat funkodelic mayhem, not electro pulsating jungle ass drone
Posted by: lopan

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:32

Most music has different styles, doesn't necessarily mean they need different genres. I'm just saying from a functional standpoint it simply doesn't fly for me, I have over 60 gigs of mp3's keeping the genres straight is a pain, thats all.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:38

My personal idea is to make up my own genres where I want them, and ignore everyone else's notion. This is only so that if I want to listen to stuff like Jimi, I'm not going to get The Doors, as Peter says. Since no one will provide those genres for me, I'll have to make them up myself.
Posted by: lopan

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:45

Thats actually what I do for my Electronic stuff, not all gets the generic "electronic" I have about 4 genres I try to use when seperating the stuff.

I never thought about doing that with my generically genre'd "rock" collection. I might give that a shot, as I'd probably listen to it more if it wasn't all just piled in the same classification.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 09:59

make up my own genres where I want them

And this is why the Genre tags on my MP3s are rarely filled in. Half the time, they're not useful, because they're too broad, and loads of different music fits. The other half of the time, I can't think of a subgenre for a particular piece of music.
Posted by: frog51

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 10:08

But surely The Darkness = pure musical genius

Even if it wasn't meant to be a piss take I'd still buy it. But then again I like Rammstein, Holst, Royksopp and Pink Floyd so I may not have the same views as the majority!

(Totally agree with you on Bruce being a waste of musical space)
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 10:11

I've never understood the concept of using satire and not playing to it. They are absolutely no different than any of the bands that (I hope) they're making fun of. Just because their intent is different doesn't matter. They need to do something that actually pokes fun, not simply imitates.

I can't describe how much they infuriate me, because I see a whole new generation of it popping up from those who don't understand that it's a joke.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 14:21

Bitt, I don't agree with your assessment of The Darkness, but I won't argue about it.

By the way, I never thought "electronic" music was limited to things played in clubs, things you can dance to, or things with a beat. My best friend does electronic composing, and it wouldn't fall into any of those categories on that page. Is Ishkur claiming that the genres listed on his site are the only genres that fall under the umbrella of "electronic"?
Posted by: peter

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 15:05

By the way, I never thought "electronic" music was limited to things played in clubs, things you can dance to, or things with a beat. My best friend does electronic composing, and it wouldn't fall into any of those categories on that page. Is Ishkur claiming that the genres listed on his site are the only genres that fall under the umbrella of "electronic"?
The music of Steve Reich, Terry Riley, Brian Eno, and Philip Glass isn't played in clubs and doesn't have a beat, but they're still in there. I haven't found Isao Tomita or Gyorgy Ligeti anywhere yet, but there are several places it wouldn't be hard to fit them.

Posted by: Dignan

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 15:34

Oops, missed that. Interesting connections. Glad it's there, though. Still, I don't see any of the modern stuff that's directly related to it. Oh well. I'll find out the name of the guy that my friend listens to all the time.
Posted by: peter

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 16:01

I'll find out the name of the guy that my friend listens to all the time.
Oooh, please do. I'm always on the lookout for new and interesting electronica.

Posted by: andym

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 26/02/2004 16:14

That's a great site, I'll be boring people at parties for months to come thanks to this.

Those dulled basslines sound like someone farting into a pillow

Finally someone has accurately described the sound of speed garage.
Posted by: frog51

Re: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - 27/02/2004 02:51

I would definitely agree with you here - so many folks really don't know it's not meant to be serious. Personally I don't know how anyone can miss the Spinal Tap nature of their work, both lyrics and videos - I guess folks who first heard them from the charts may have missed out on the classic "Get your hands off my woman, mo**erfu**er"