
Posted by: Daria

dryers - 22/07/2004 02:27

I saw what I thought was a cabinet (rather than a tumble) dryer when I was visiting a friend in Sweden. He hasn't been online for me to ask recently.

But, today I saw an ad for this.

Thoughts/comments? Basically I think hang-drying will result in less ironing.
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: dryers - 22/07/2004 02:33

Can't comment on that unit specifically, but in general, cabinet dryers are fairly popular over here. Probably more so in apartment blocks than in private homes.
Definately offers less wear and tear on the clothes compared to tumblers. IME you still need to iron stuff...

/Michael - Swede...
Posted by: Daria

Re: dryers - 22/07/2004 02:40

I seem to be searching for the wrong things, Google isn't helping me. Can you tell me any models, or what the generic class of device is called?
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: dryers - 22/07/2004 02:52

I'd expect there would be a far greater need for ironing actually. Tumbling something around helps prevent a crease from drying in any one specific place. Letting something dry while folded (or placed in a small pile like in the Maytag images) is likely going to leave you with a mess of creases. The exception likely being the stuff that's hanging

Not to mention the hassle of having to hand wet stuff or put wet stuff onto little shelves. I like just throwing stuff, heavy-fisted style, into the dryer. Take the stuff out right away and hang it and most of it never needs to be ironed (jeans, t-shirts, a number of my collared shirts (not all by a stretch)).

I love gadgets and appliances, but this one's still not doing it for me.

Posted by: gbeer

Re: dryers - 22/07/2004 03:27

That one seems to go both ways. Base is a tumble dryer, upper is a cabinet. There are some things that I'd put in a cabinet. Sweaters, sneakers.
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: dryers - 22/07/2004 04:07

Can you tell me any models, or what the generic class of device is called?

Sorry, we only have a tumbler where I live, so I'm not up to speed on them...
But here most manufacturers have them (as far as I can recall) and in Swedish they're called "torkskåp" (literally drying (tork) cabinet (skåp). Here are 5 in one shop. Electrolux/Wascator (more for apartment complexes)... [all links in Swedish]

Tossing "torkskåp" into google.se should give you plenty of links (just beware of the occasional dehydrator link [very first hit...])

The cabinets I've seen here haven't been equipped with shelves - the clothes are intended to be hung to dry (except possibly as a loose acessory, intended for delicate stuff that would deform if hung)
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: dryers - 23/07/2004 01:04

What was that? Corkstrap? I thought I'd get something funny (or at least something) if I typed that ino google. Instead I got a whole lotta nothin.

Interesting. A whole assortment of drying "closets" if you will. Never seen/heard of anything like that here in North America before. And didn't notice any in Italy/Portugal when I've been there.
