XP Pro problems.

Posted by: jbauer

XP Pro problems. - 15/07/2005 21:11

In the last 3 days or so, I've had all kindsa issues with XP not booting up properly. It freezes at different points during boot up, is sometimes blue screening, etc.

Since I need to hard boot when it freezes, I'm getting all kindsa chkdsk errors that scare the s out of me... ya know, that stuff about lost allocations and cross linked files, and stuff.

Now normally, I'd be very afraid after seeing that stuff. I'd be telling my friend that had this issue to reformat the drive as something is wrong with the file directory structure and it's not fixable.

Weirdly, my PC booted after the 20 something reboot and everything is running fine now, but I know the problem will re-occur.

Since it's MY Issue, I want to try to resolve it...

Is there any repair process anyone can recommend that can go through the directories and attempt to fix whatever is broken? Norton something??

- Jon
Posted by: The Central Guy

Re: XP Pro problems. - 15/07/2005 22:36

The first thing I would recommend is to get a good backup of your data (maybe on an external HD or DVD, etc.) so you can recover it if your disk goes further south.

I'm not sure what exactly has caused your issues, but sometimes it's just easier to wipe the disk clean, re-install XP, and then put your data back on....

Did you make any major system changes lately?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: XP Pro problems. - 16/07/2005 04:37

Betcha it's bad RAM. On a second computer, go burn a copy of MemTest 86. Boot from that.

For other forms of diagnostics and data recovery in a situation like this, for instance if your windows install on that hard disk is toast and you need to recover the data, you can't beat bart's PE.
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: XP Pro problems. - 16/07/2005 13:28

For other forms of diagnostics and data recovery in a situation like this, for instance if your windows install on that hard disk is toast and you need to recover the data, you can't beat bart's PE.

I would definately second that!! I was asked to help fix a computer belonging to my boss's friend's mother (don't ya just love it!) and it was pretty much the only way I was able to get in to poke around. I was able to save it by copying over the registry files from a restore point.

Posted by: Taym

Re: XP Pro problems. - 18/07/2005 12:07

I would also consider checking your hard drives. Look into the event viewer, system subection, for ATAPI timeouts. And, download ant SMART tester sw. I've been using SmartDefender by Ontrack/IBM/Hitachi, but it seems it is not any more available for download. Hitachi's website suggests to download one of the many others freeware/shareware products available, but I don't have any name right now to recommend.
Posted by: Ladmo

Re: XP Pro problems. - 18/07/2005 18:36

Yikes I had that problem a few months back...turns out it was a combination of either a bad or mismatched 512 memory stick (DDR) AND a failing hard drive. If you have a maxtor drive, run their diags on it also. If it is under warrenty, they are pretty good about replacing if the diags suggest it.

Good luck...I know what a pain in the tukas it is....
Posted by: jbauer

Re: XP Pro problems. - 19/07/2005 00:51

I would also consider checking your hard drives. Look into the event viewer, system subection, for ATAPI timeouts. And, download ant SMART tester sw. I've been using SmartDefender by Ontrack/IBM/Hitachi, but it seems it is not any more available for download. Hitachi's website suggests to download one of the many others freeware/shareware products available, but I don't have any name right now to recommend.

I don't see any ATAPI timeouts, but when I crashed this morning, I think this is the msg I got on the event viewer...

Error code 000000fe, parameter1 00000005, parameter2 830160e0, parameter3 10330035, parameter4 82b28830.

Anyone know how to interpret that?

I also get:

The LINKSYS WAP11 USB Device Driver service failed to start due to the following error:
The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.

But I cannot find a service that looks like it has anything to do with a LINKSYS device... Probably in the registry, eh?

- Jon
Posted by: Taym

Re: XP Pro problems. - 20/07/2005 15:30

I don't know how to interpret the codes, but, just to rule out the obvious, did you get the latest drivers from Linksys? Is the OS updated? Is the USB cable properly working (try with another cable, if you can)? It really seems a driver issue, or a hardware one.
Posted by: jbauer

Re: XP Pro problems. - 20/07/2005 15:55

I don't know how to interpret the codes, but, just to rule out the obvious, did you get the latest drivers from Linksys? Is the OS updated? Is the USB cable properly working (try with another cable, if you can)? It really seems a driver issue, or a hardware one.

I don't have that device anymore, and can't find any references to it in my installed program list or anywhere... If the device isn't installed, it won't show up in device manager, so how do I purge the drivers from loading? I've also checked in the services list, and don't see it there either...

- Jon
Posted by: Attack

Re: XP Pro problems. - 20/07/2005 17:55

I don't have that device anymore, and can't find any references to it in my installed program list or anywhere... If the device isn't installed, it won't show up in device manager, so how do I purge the drivers from loading? I've also checked in the services list, and don't see it there either...

- Jon

In Device Manager

Click on View -> Show hidden devices

You should see it now. Also try downloading MyUninstaller to see if you have any software that can be uninstalled for the Linksys.
Posted by: jbauer

Re: XP Pro problems. - 20/07/2005 21:28

In Device Manager

Click on View -> Show hidden devices

You should see it now. Also try downloading MyUninstaller to see if you have any software that can be uninstalled for the Linksys.

Cool. That worked. In the last couple of days, my PC has miraculously been fine. Freakin Bill Gates... :-)

- Jon