Katrina and Eutronix

Posted by: Foz

Katrina and Eutronix - 31/08/2005 13:31

Isn't Stu (from Eutronix) in LA somewhere? It just hit me this morning when I was making breakfast that I seem to remember them being in Louisana. Anyone know if he's ok?

-- Gary F.
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 31/08/2005 13:43

See my post in the main 'Katrina' thread.

Short answer - nobody's heard from him, but it seems as if his town (Mandevilla, LA) was mostly spared (in comparison, I'm certain it's not pristine).

Posted by: peter

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 31/08/2005 13:55

This is where we need a Google Maps plug-in that shows little pins for those Empeg owners who've listed locations in their profiles...

Posted by: Waterman981

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 01/09/2005 01:59

This is where we need a Google Maps plug-in that shows little pins for those Empeg owners who've listed locations in their profiles...


Or for Google Earth. I've been wanting to find Empeg Towers for a while now...
Posted by: robricc

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 01/09/2005 11:16

I think it's one of the two buildings toward the center of the screen (circled for your pleasure).

Posted by: Roger

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 01/09/2005 11:27

1. That's the old empeg Towers.
2. You missed. That's actually a car parts warehouse. Just below your circle is a car park. The old empeg Towers is at the top-right corner of that.
3. The new empeg Towers is in the long white building in the center of this picture:

Posted by: robricc

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 01/09/2005 11:52

1. That's the old empeg Towers.

There can only be one empeg towers!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Waterman981

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 01/09/2005 18:49

Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 01/09/2005 19:31

Image of Stu's place. The causeway to the south goes (went?) to N.O.
Posted by: peter

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 01/09/2005 20:06

Image of Stu's place. The causeway to the south goes (went?) to N.O.

I can't believe the Pontchartrain Causeway was built any stronger than that Interstate 10 causeway that was destroyed, but from this work of genius it seems that Mandeville was badly wind-blown but not flooded, at least not at Stu's distance from the lakefront.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 01/09/2005 23:16

That is awesome.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 02/09/2005 08:11

Indeed! That is an impressive bit of work!
Posted by: pgrzelak

Katrina and Lectric - 02/09/2005 15:10

Another person in the middle of everything is lectric (Mason Morris). He was deemed "essential personnel" and could not evacuate. I do not know what role he plays in NO, but I hope he is okay also.

Anyone else we know of from the board in the middle of things?
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Katrina and Lectric - 02/09/2005 19:58

Don't forget our "friend" d33zY. He's from south Louisiana somewhere. Come to think of it, he may the one shooting at the helicopters.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 12/09/2005 12:04


Any word on Stu?

Last post: 08/26/05


/me worries.
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 12/09/2005 13:36

I checked his site just this morning (it's back up) and things seem like they're OK.
Hurricane Notice!
Added: September 5, 2005
Although our area sustained considerable damage from Hurricane Katrina, our facility was largely spared. All items sent in for repair are safe. We will be resuming normal operations shortly. Please visit our Hurricane Katrina page for some interesting videos and photos.

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 12/09/2005 13:50

Damn! I wish he posted. I was getting a little concerned. Good news though!!!
Posted by: Robotic

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 12/09/2005 14:11


Any word on Stu?

Last post: 08/26/05


/me worries.

I recieved an email from him (sent Sunday):
Hi Stew,

I'm really sorry this has taken so long to finish. Unfortunately we had a major hurricane to deal with, which slowed us down a bit. Anyway, things are back on track and parcel services are again available! We will begin work on your unit tomorrow. We ordered some hot air rework equipment and also some new (better) LEDs for the light kits.


I'd say that counts as "All is well again" -or near to it!
'Major hurricane...slowed us down a bit' Modest understatement!
Posted by: maczrool

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 12/09/2005 14:38

Hi Everyone,

Thank you all for your concern! We are doing well. We evacuated to Covington, LA which is 14 miles north of our location and rode out the storm there. Even the Empegs in service were evacuated! Everything held up pretty well, save a few downed trees, destroyed fence and missing shingles.

If you go to our website, you will find a link to Hurricane Katrina. I posted a few videos shot during the storm. Downloading will probably be slow, but they are interesting none-the-less. Be sure to have the sound on. I guess that's what a hurricane sounds like!

As you can see from Robotic's post, we took the down time to add some hot air equipment and hopefully improve the light kits a little.

That's all for now. Thanks again,
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 12/09/2005 19:32

I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we're glad you're safe and unharmed.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 13/09/2005 01:13

Wow, I had no idea Stu lived so close... I may get my buttons hacked now that I know I can get it done without shipping it off.
As for what role I play here, I'm alpha geek for the City of Kenner City Hall. Recently I've been doing odd stuff, like cooking for 700, answering phones from hell (rings as soon as you put it down), and have become the resident bobcat frontloader expert. Basically, lot of hard manual labor. I know now why I went to college. Manual labor sucks!
My house is toast. All furniture, carpet, walls, TV, etc are destroyed. Clothes are ok, but that's about it. My electronics for the most part came with me to city hall (along with the wife and dogs).

The only cool thing that's happened to me personally since the storm was the next morning, when a group of us saved a lady that was drowning in the intersection of Veterans and Williams. The water was 4' in the intersection and we were filming as we were driving. We watched her fall, struggle up, fall again, up again, and fall one more time. She wasn't coming up the last time, she never came up till we got to her. I had never seen someone actually exhale water before. Since we were filming, it's all on tape. They tell me they sent it to some news show to be aired, but I can't remember which one, and since my tivo is off, I couldn't grab it. So, if you saw a group of folks pulling a lady out of a river that was a street, the guy in tye dye is me. Oh, and if you were wondering why she was drowning in a street, the water was flowing so fast there were whitecaps.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 13/09/2005 06:46

Wow, I had no idea Stu lived so close... I may get my buttons hacked now that I know I can get it done without shipping it off.
As for what role I play here, I'm alpha geek for the City of Kenner City Hall. Recently I've been doing odd stuff, like cooking for 700, answering phones from hell (rings as soon as you put it down), and have become the resident bobcat frontloader expert. Basically, lot of hard manual labor. I know now why I went to college. Manual labor sucks!
My house is toast. All furniture, carpet, walls, TV, etc are destroyed. Clothes are ok, but that's about it. My electronics for the most part came with me to city hall (along with the wife and dogs).

The only cool thing that's happened to me personally since the storm was the next morning, when a group of us saved a lady that was drowning in the intersection of Veterans and Williams. The water was 4' in the intersection and we were filming as we were driving. We watched her fall, struggle up, fall again, up again, and fall one more time. She wasn't coming up the last time, she never came up till we got to her. I had never seen someone actually exhale water before. Since we were filming, it's all on tape. They tell me they sent it to some news show to be aired, but I can't remember which one, and since my tivo is off, I couldn't grab it. So, if you saw a group of folks pulling a lady out of a river that was a street, the guy in tye dye is me. Oh, and if you were wondering why she was drowning in a street, the water was flowing so fast there were whitecaps.

Wow I'm glad you and your family came out safe. And helping to save a lady from drowning - that officially makes you a hero! Good job, man!

Sorry to hear that your house didn't do so well. Is insurance going to cover some of the damage? I think we should start a donation fund here to help you out a little. I'm good for a few euros.

I hope everything turns out ok.

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 13/09/2005 08:09

I think we should start a donation fund here to help you out a little. I'm good for a few euros.

Agreed / excellent itdea.

Lectric, I don't suppose you have an electronic account (PayPal, etc.) that is willing to accept a few donations from board members, do you? It may not be enough to help you rebuild completely, but at least it will help.
Posted by: bonzi

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 13/09/2005 10:07

I think we should start a donation fund here to help you out a little.

Good idea. Solves the dilemma of whether USA deserves financial aid and to whom to donate - "our" people here could certainly use euro or two, and they are extremely unlikely to get that through "official channels".

So, how to organize that?
Posted by: lectric

Re: Katrina and Eutronix - 13/09/2005 12:18

Actually, since I work at city hall as "essential" personnel, I'm making an ungodly amount of overtime. Add to that that I have enough insurance to cover my house and half my neighbors, I think we'll turn out just fine. I appreciate the thought though. Kenner turned out to be very lucky. New Orleans, on the other hand, really needs help.