BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this!

Posted by: ricin

BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this! - 31/08/2005 13:52

See here!
Posted by: Foz

Re: BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this! - 31/08/2005 14:02

Thanks for the heads up. My girlfriend is a major buffy fanatic, you just helped me find her christmas present

-- Gary F.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this! - 31/08/2005 14:31

Damn! I already own all seven seasons! So now I'm torn, because on one hand, the 7 DVD sets take up a lot of room on the shelf, but I like the impressive look of that On the other hand, this complete set is quite pretty.

I'm having difficulty with the size, though. Assuming that the image shown is the final design of the set, and also assuming that the box is standard DVD height and depth, it certainly does not look wide enough to contain 40 discs. There must be some very clever packaging job there.

What would also be nice, and what I suspect may follow this at some point, would be a similar set for Angel. I only have the first season of that one.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this! - 31/08/2005 16:17

Re-issue! Re-package! Re-package!
Re-evaluate the songs
Double-pack with a photograph
Extra track and a tacky badge
Posted by: tfabris

Re: BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this! - 31/08/2005 17:05

Damn! I already own all seven seasons!

Fortunately I own none, and have been looking for an excuse to get a set. Too bad I'd have to wait until november. I've got friends urging me to get season one *now*.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this! - 31/08/2005 17:37

Have you watched Buffy before?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this! - 31/08/2005 17:42

I've seen the first few episodes, and I think perhaps one episode from a later season.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this! - 31/08/2005 18:05

I've seen the first few episodes, and I think perhaps one episode from a later season.

Oooo, I envy you. I wish I was watching it for the first time, although I couldn't watch it with the intensity I did the first time. I'm amazed that I still have a girlfriend after I watched the entire first 6 seasons and half of Angel in about 9 days.
Posted by: DWallach

Re: BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this! - 01/09/2005 03:38

I haven't done a marathon viewing like that since years ago when I ploughed through the first two seasons of Babylon 5, on tape, over a weekend. I don't think I could pull off something like that any more.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: BtVS/Joss Whedon Fans, read this! - 01/09/2005 03:45

Yeah, that was a sort of transitional period for me. I was going to start work in a couple weeks, and at the time, all my friends were in the middle of studying for finals (I had a lot of friends in their 5th year ). I had sort of discounted the show before, but for some reason I caught an episode of Angel and decided to give it a shot. Well, I'm a big sucker for fantasy stories, and the Buffyverse took hold of me. I had a friend with all six seasons (seven wasn't out yet), so I borrowed them. I had at least four days in a row where I watched an entire season in a day, and on some days I watched more.

Wow. That was sad. But incredible