Email while driving!

Posted by: sein

Email while driving! - 06/09/2005 11:51

A simple device like an Empeg is obviously not enough for some people.

Can't imagine it would go down well with the Police... "Sorry officer, I was just posting on the empeg BBS and chatting on IRC over GPRS".
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Email while driving! - 06/09/2005 11:57

Now, that is just disturbing...
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: Email while driving! - 06/09/2005 11:58

Wow. I thought somebody I met a while back was bad. She is a PR exec and commented on somebody's Nokia, which is the sort with two buttons in a rocker format: "Wow, I couldn't use that, you can't feel which button is which, no good for texting then". Turns out she regularly sends texts from the car by blindly typing them out, with perfect success apparently.

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Email while driving! - 06/09/2005 13:06

I know (and used to be one of) the folks that run the email platform here. Crackberry addicts, every one...
Posted by: frog51

Re: Email while driving! - 06/09/2005 13:52

I have been known to play the fun game of sending texts or emails from phone by touch while in meetings if they get very boring. All phones on silent of course, and a brief glance can show you the message sent from one of the others.

It must be very confusing to a speaker if all the audience have seen a message saying "pretend to cry the next time he repeats the word 'Synergy'" and all at once they break down in tears.

Ahem - apparently
Posted by: SonicSnoop

Re: Email while driving! - 08/09/2005 06:16

I have an Ogo and have gotten to the point I can chat on IM and/or send SMS or emails with my thumb while driving and not look at it.. But that is really extreme Though if I had the money I cant say I wouldnt want to do it just for the WTF? factor..