The Now Show

Posted by: boxer

The Now Show - 18/04/2006 11:31

A curiosity about this week's show (which I'm told is very popular in America): If you use the podcast or download, a section of the show has been censored. If you go to the website and listen to the radio player it's still there. As I downloaded the former, out of curiosity, I listened to the latter and the deleted section was just a harmless bit about the Archers. Something was said about copyright material, but there doesn't seem to be any. What goes on?
Posted by: tahir

Re: The Now Show - 19/04/2006 15:49

There's nothing harmless about the Archers, come the revolution they'll be lined up against the wall alongside the cast of Eastenders, Neighbours etc
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: The Now Show - 19/04/2006 15:53

We can keep Hollyoaks though? Oh please!

The casting director is obviously male! Never before has one place had so many stunningly attractive females and at the same time some of the ugliest men!
Posted by: tahir

Re: The Now Show - 19/04/2006 16:07

I'd forgotten about that, and there's Emmerdale too
Posted by: boxer

Re: The Now Show - 19/04/2006 16:31

Ha! Parts of Emmerdale are filmed in my village, and when the luvvies and 2,000 assistants come, they think they own the place. I had the greatest pleasure in getting them cautioned for impersonating a police officer and obstructing the highway. I also enjoyed refusing to move from the bar of the pub, so that they could shoot a scene.
When they blocked my entrance and were plain bloody rude, I also had the greatest pleasure in having them carpeted by Yorkshire Television for upsetting the Chairman of the area's leading ad. agency!
I'm just a grumpy old man; bring back Crossroads, I say!
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: The Now Show - 19/04/2006 16:35


You're enjoying retirement then?
Posted by: boxer

Re: The Now Show - 19/04/2006 16:57

Yep! Off for the day job again on friday, four days hard labour on Snowdon, and the most rewarding thing I've done in yeara.
Posted by: boxer

Re: The Now Show - 19/04/2006 17:14

come the revolution they'll be lined up against the wall alongside the cast of Eastenders

I used to have a mongrel who would get up and stand at the kitchen door when she heard the East Enders theme, because she knew we were going to the pub: this would have been fine if she could have singled out the Sunday omnibus, but weekdays accounts for my drinking problem
Posted by: g_attrill

Re: The Now Show - 19/04/2006 20:33

Chairman of the area's leading ad. agency!

I trust you weren't anything to do with the Flintshire Motors radio ad:

I am undecided whether it is genius or horrendous. I sent it to a friend who was making a cheapo TV ad for an adverse-credit loan service at the time because it would probably give him some good ideas.

Posted by: boxer

Re: The Now Show - 20/04/2006 04:18

I trust you weren't anything to do with the Flintshire Motors radio ad

That really is awesomely terrible....and, if you're going to advertise it's a jolly good idea to spell out: Where you are/How to contact you!
This not being included, I googled and reached "Worst commercial ever" on a forum, but not where the garage is!

What makes it worse is, as far as I can gather, the voice over guy's a University lecturer in radio production: I bet his students laugh behind his back!
I've had more time to look and I can't find this dealership, nor can the Vauxhall site: did the commercial drive them in to liquidation?

N.B. We never were the largest ad. agency in the area, but by the time I spoke to our rep., he had talked to the Sales Manager and the Sales Manager had talked to the Sales Director, who had then taken it to the CEO, everybody believed it and it seemed churlish of me to argue!