Windows Installer problem

Posted by: tahir

Windows Installer problem - 02/05/2006 15:02

Just updating our AV software (McAfee), it won't load on our Metaframe server (MF1.8, NT 4.0 TSE SP6) it says it needs MSI v2, I've tried every version of MSI I can find and they either error or don't install (wrong OS etc). Any ideas on which version I need and where I might be able to get it?
Posted by: Roger

Re: Windows Installer problem - 02/05/2006 15:57

Windows Installer 2.0 Redistributable Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0

Says it'll work on NT4 SP6. However, NT4 Terminal Server can sometimes be a different beast, so it might not.

However, NT4 is not supported any more, so you ought to think seriously about upgrading to at least Windows 2000, but more sensibly Windows 2003.
Posted by: tahir

Re: Windows Installer problem - 02/05/2006 16:07

Tried that, doesn't work. As you say maybe a TSE issue, our support firm is looking at it.

However, NT4 is not supported any more, so you ought to think seriously about upgrading to at least Windows 2000, but more sensibly Windows 2003.

Just looked into this and can't afford it. We'd need 2003 + Terminal Service cals + Citrix cals plus a server upgrade (it's a pretty ancient server too).

If the firm's doing a bit better in a few months I might look at a Linux solution like Tarantella or NetraVerse (our Linux support people are ace)
Posted by: Roger

Re: Windows Installer problem - 04/05/2006 14:02

Andy, a guy I work with, says:

2 Things.

1 - is he installing it across TS. This sometimes causes issues and I would recommend installing it at the console.

2 - has he switched TS into installation mode?
Command Prompt
CHANGE USER /install

Once completed
CHANGE USER /execute

Posted by: tahir

Re: Windows Installer problem - 04/05/2006 14:23


1 - I would recommend installing it at the console.

2 - has he switched TS into installation mode?
Command Prompt
CHANGE USER /install

Once completed
CHANGE USER /execute

Will try both, unfortunately the console is in another building, haven't done the CHANGE USER thing for yonks.

Posted by: tahir

Re: Windows Installer problem - 04/05/2006 14:24


Andy, a guy I work with, says:

2 Things.

1 - is he installing it across TS. This sometimes causes issues and I would recommend installing it at the console.

2 - has he switched TS into installation mode?
Command Prompt
CHANGE USER /install

Once completed
CHANGE USER /execute