Verizon SMS spam, who else got it, and what can we do?

Posted by: FireFox31

Verizon SMS spam, who else got it, and what can we do? - 09/05/2006 14:25

I was awoken last night at 11:49pm EST when my Verizon phone said I had a new text message, which is rare. This morning, I find that it was SMS spam. Checking my sister's Verizon phone, she also received it (with typical spam variation) at 11:12pm.

The spammed site was (dashes inserted to ward off Google... or should I?). They were trying to sell me "Medication", of course.

First, did anyone else receive this? Was this a widespread network abuse or something small? Maybe I should post this to and alt.cellular.verizon.

Second, what can I/we do about it?

I called Verizon Customer Service ((800) 922-0204 opt 4,4) and they were hardly interested. They can't see the SMS on their system until 48 hours after it was sent (giving the spammer 48 hours of business before their site even considers being shut down). They wouldn't refund the $0.20 (yet). Their only solution to avoiding future spam was to change my cell number (which I've had for 8 years).

I couldn't find an abuse@ e-mail on their site, nor any information for reporting SMS spam. Customer Service didn't know of any abuse reporting e-mail address, but they did confirm that this issue was reported. They only suggested I reply with "stop", "remove", or "unsubscribe". Unfortunately, replying to spammers is second lowest on my list to actually buying from them.

Any ideas? I'll do anything I can (within reason, of course) to get these scum.
Posted by: StigOE

Re: Verizon SMS spam, who else got it, and what can we do? - 09/05/2006 15:03

They wouldn't refund the $0.20 (yet).

Do you pay to receive SMS messages..? We pay to send messages, not to receive them.

Posted by: mlord

Re: Verizon SMS spam, who else got it, and what can we do? - 10/05/2006 00:39

They wouldn't refund the $0.20 (yet).

Do you pay to receive SMS messages..? We pay to send messages, not to receive them.


Unfortunately, commercial interests win over sound business plans on this side of the pond. Even here in Canada ("American subsidiary"), it's pay to receive, rather than send.

And they wonder why we're so far behind the modern world in wireless SMS usage..