Online Gambling a Felony Now In Washington State

Posted by: JeffS

Online Gambling a Felony Now In Washington State - 16/06/2006 09:00

The law went into effect a few weeks ago, but I found this article interesting on some of the not-so-obvious results of the law. Bascially, they shut down a guys website who was reviwing and providing advice on online gambeling sites, and also have warned a newspaper that they shouldn't be publishing a column by Daniel Negranu that somtimes contains advice on online poker. It is intersting to me that things are really starting to heat up in a place like Washington state rather than in some of the more conservative parts of the country.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Online Gambling a Felony Now In Washington State - 16/06/2006 13:43

I love how the columnist points out the hypocrisy.:

"It's hard to take coming from a state that bombards us with pitches for the biggest sucker's bet of all. You know, the one they call the lottery."
Posted by: furtive

Re: Online Gambling a Felony Now In Washington State - 16/06/2006 14:58

Only in America can you play Russian Roultte with you legally owned gun. As long as you aren't playing for money
Posted by: JeffS

Re: Online Gambling a Felony Now In Washington State - 16/06/2006 15:40

I love how the columnist points out the hypocrisy
I'd hazard a guess that this law has more to do with protecting Indian Casino interests than it does stopping people from gambling. All things being equal (by which I mean, no business interests to protect) I'd say a southern state like Georgia (where we have a law preventing us from buying alcohol on Sunday) would be far more likely to create anti-online gambeling legislation than Washington.

I have no doubt that other states will be following soon, though
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Online Gambling a Felony Now In Washington State - 16/06/2006 16:58

I'd hazard a guess that this law has more to do with protecting Indian Casino interests than it does stopping people from gambling.

Or protecting the state's ability to tax gamblers/casinos within their state, yeah.
Posted by: TigerJimmy

Re: Online Gambling a Felony Now In Washington State - 16/06/2006 19:08

The state senator who authored this bill is known to be friendly with Indian gaming and has received substantial campaign contributions from the Indian gaming lobby.

It's all about the money, of course, never about the principles involved or individual liberty.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Online Gambling a Felony Now In Washington State - 17/06/2006 13:42

Indian reservations are considered separate from the states they exist in. I'm not a tax law expert, but I would be very surprised if the state receives any tax money from the casinos. They probably do get tax money for winning residents of Washington, but that's a losing battle.
Posted by: siberia37

Re: Online Gambling a Felony Now In Washington State - 20/06/2006 13:34

Maybe Washington state doesn't get tax benefits- but you can bet the politicians do, that's what Jack Abramoff was indicted for. You can bet this law was put into place to protect them, similar laws which were thinly veiled attempts to protect Indian Casinos from competition were proposed as well in this state.