Mic routed through speakers on my Powerbook

Posted by: andym

Mic routed through speakers on my Powerbook - 28/09/2006 19:11

I recorded something recently using an external USB soundcard and Audacity. Ever since then the microphone by the side of the screen is routed to the speakers. There doesn't seem to be anything in the preferences and OS X doesn't appear to have an audio mixer of any kind.

Any ideas? The feedback is driving me crazy!
Posted by: frog51

Re: Mic routed through speakers on my Powerbook - 28/09/2006 19:22

From here: http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20041230144746554 this could be helpful:

It turns out after some poking around on the Apple Discussions site, that this setting now lives in the Audio MIDI Setup app in the Utilities folder. Starting this up, there are three "Thru" checkboxes next to the microphone settings at the bottom in the Audio Devices pane. Even though none of these were checked, clicking the Master one for the mic on and off fixed the problem for me on both machines.
Posted by: andym

Re: Mic routed through speakers on my Powerbook - 28/09/2006 19:33

Yup, one of the thru's was checked. Problem solved, and a new useful control panel found.

Many thanks Rory!