Classic Car Rentals

Posted by: Dignan

Classic Car Rentals - 29/04/2007 19:37

This is probably a reach, but my Google search has not yielded anything so far.

My fiancee and I are looking into transportation for our wedding (the ceremony to the reception site). We'd like something other than the usual black limo, and definitely don't want anything like a Hummer limo. We'd like to get some sort of classic car (something like these).

All I've been able to find in the Washington DC area is exotic car rentals, like high-end sports cars, and the usual rental companies like Avis and Hertz.

Does anyone have any ideas how I should go around this, or have stronger Google-fu than I?
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Classic Car Rentals - 29/04/2007 20:52

In Bowie Maryland:

In Baltimore:

DC area: (Bentleys and Rolls)

There are quite a few more... The trick in Google was not to include the word "rent" but just "rolls royce wedding washington dc" or alternately "classic car wedding washington dc"
Posted by: Robotic

Re: Classic Car Rentals - 30/04/2007 14:10

Sometimes the private owners 'work' on the side without much in the way of advertisement.
Perhaps try a Rolls-Royce or Cadillac owners club?
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: Classic Car Rentals - 30/04/2007 17:10

"classic car wedding washington dc"

Or, perhaps "vintage" in place of "classic".
Posted by: MarkM

Re: Classic Car Rentals - 01/05/2007 03:26

Also try craigslist. I have seen posts there both ways - wanted and renting.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Classic Car Rentals - 01/05/2007 11:50

Is my original post not showing up? There are links for 3 companie, all with the desired vehicle styles in the DC area and the Google search example brings up links for quite a few more.

Isn't that what Matt was looking for?
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Classic Car Rentals - 01/05/2007 11:56

Is my original post not showing up? There are links for 3 companie, all with the desired vehicle styles in the DC area and the Google search example brings up links for quite a few more.

Isn't that what Matt was looking for?

Sorry, I meant to thank you for those links! I'd run across the first two, but the last one looks perfect! I thought the '57 Bentley looked good. I was very surprised to see their prices, too. I'd found a couple places that charged upwards of $400 and hour with a four hour minimum, plus travel time.

Thanks again!