?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time?

Posted by: rowitech

?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 14/06/2008 10:22

Good afternoon!

I have many MP3s but not all are tagged really good. Well, I could use OMDB search but I need something more: Beneath title, year, name and so on I need the Intro Time, means the time before the singer starts to sing. And then I need a sentence about this song or the singer. Is there something available and can I program something to do this automagically or do I have to hear every song and use my stopwatch to know the intro time?

Would be heavily helpful if someone knows that.

best regards
Posted by: Dignan

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 14/06/2008 13:34

I haven't a clue how to do that, but I'd really love to hear why you want to.
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 14/06/2008 13:44

There is software out there that radio stations use so that the DJ knows when to shut up and they can introduce the track. I will ask and see what it is but I'm sure others will have more knowledge than I.
Posted by: andym

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 14/06/2008 17:47

Originally Posted By: Phil.
There is software out there that radio stations use so that the DJ knows when to shut up and they can introduce the track. I will ask and see what it is but I'm sure others will have more knowledge than I.

There's no magic to it. The person that loads the music onto the system plays it through until the intro ends then enters the current playing time into the metadata for the track. Then when it plays out for real in addition to the normal track remaining counter, there's a shutup counter counting down the intro. There's also usually an outro one as well.

I remember a presenter on one of the tinpot local stations round here came a cropper when he thought he had 25 seconds to fill which turned out to be 5 seconds.
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 15/06/2008 04:54

He turned into a sharecropper? I don't get it.
Posted by: andym

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 15/06/2008 07:58

According to the dictionary, a disasterous failure or fiasco.
Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 17/06/2008 00:05

snide (snīd) pronunciation
adj., snid·er, snid·est.

Derogatory in a malicious, superior way.

According to the dictionary. smile
Posted by: rowitech

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 17/06/2008 11:37

Ok, you already hit the point. I own a webradio station called Veedelsradio (www.veedelsradio.com). And for this I have bought a Software called DRS2006. This Software shows me the blahblah time until I have to shut up my mouth. This is extremly helpful especially for those songs where I'm unsure when the singer starts to sing.

The whole thing is just a brain problem: Talking over a song is quite useful and hearable. But when you have a singer in the background the brain doesn't know where to listen to. Oh, at lest for us men, I don't know if women can do this, I would think so. smile

Posted by: tfabris

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 17/06/2008 13:56

It wouldn't surprise me if the broadcasting industry has some kind of a global database of that info.

Perhaps the database is proprietary within a given company/conglomerate, though.
Posted by: andym

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 18/06/2008 10:50

I don't know about US stations, but in the UK, anything that comes in on a CD is done manually. Maybe grab the main details from freeDB, but most of the promo discs I have are CD-R's and freeDB lookups don't work.
Posted by: rowitech

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 18/06/2008 15:35

Ok, seems to be a hard weekend smile. Nevertheless: Thank you for the support! I will do two steps now: Tagging with Magic MP3 Tagger, costs just about 25$ and do the rest on my night shift smile.

If you don't know what to do with your bandwidth in spare: www.veedelsradio.de smile

Posted by: davekirk

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 18/06/2008 16:53

I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned a dislike for the practice of DJs talking over the instrumental beginning or ending of songs. Let me be the first, then. No personal attack intended to anyone here, of course.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 18/06/2008 16:57

I thought it was a given that everyone hated DJs, regardless of when/where they talked. The moment any DJ opens his or her mouth on the radio I feel like turning it off. That causes some problems because it's usually someone else's radio. I listen only to MP3s myself. Very infrequently to music-only internet streams.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 18/06/2008 16:59

Except in GTA IV. If only real world DJs were that funny.
Posted by: rowitech

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 30/06/2008 17:09

Maybe it's because I am on the other side of the radio station, but I think just hearing one mp3 after the other is hmm, how to say, dead. There is no life in it. When sometimes hearing a DJ or moderator I have the feeling that there is life. What if something real big happens? (No, not that germany loses the european football contest). What if a giant meteorit is coming down? When listening to mp3s I will do this until the end comes. When a DJ is out there he can tell me to take the next space shuttle. :-)
Ok, I'm just too infected to be objective wink.

Posted by: drakino

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 30/06/2008 18:07

I had quite a few Onion Radio News segments mixed into my playlists for fun, but it did also break up the music quite a bit too.

As far as being notified about impending doom, I figure there will be enough signs of something going wrong to figure it out. Though I probably should look into an SMS system or something for things like tornado warnings, after having a funnel cloud pass by my place a few weeks ago.

*edit* Looks like it is being worked on already by the FCC.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 30/06/2008 19:02

Originally Posted By: drakino
As far as being notified about impending doom, I figure there will be enough signs of something going wrong to figure it out.

The Empeg is one reason I didn't know about 9/11 until long after I'd gotten to work that day and settled into my workday. I actually had to get a phone call from my wife to learn about it, since my job didn't require me to interact with anyone at the office for a lot of my day. Things did seem unusually quiet at work that day, as if lots of people hadn't come into work that day, but I was just enjoying the silence when I got the phone call.

On the other hand, it probably would have been the same even if I'd had a CD player, I probably would have been listening to CDs that morning.

But it's an interesting point... we're a culture that expects to get our news and alerts from the radio. With the popularity of MP3 players, where do we get our alerts? I like the SMS idea.
Posted by: Roger

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 01/07/2008 04:42

Originally Posted By: tfabris
But it's an interesting point... we're a culture that expects to get our news and alerts from the radio. With the popularity of MP3 players, where do we get our alerts? I like the SMS idea.

I'm not part of that culture; I get my news from the BBC News web site. When I watch the TV news later in the day, I always get bored: "yeah, I know, saw that this morning. yawn".

Of course, living in the UK, I don't really have need of live tornado warnings...
Posted by: frog51

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 01/07/2008 07:44

I've gone off news. The media loves pessimism, and I am pretty much a pure optimist, so I don't do newspapers (other than the 6 sudokus in the Daily Mail if I need to fly to London), don't watch TV and pretty much the only info I need I get via my RSS aggregator - you can see what I find interesting here - it is pretty much all techy info and security, plus some Dilbert, xkcd etc.

Over the last 3 years I haven't found doing without the news has impacted me much, if at all. YMMV.
Posted by: Roger

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 01/07/2008 11:36

Originally Posted By: frog51
you can see what I find interesting here

That user has restricted access to their subscriptions

Posted by: Tim

Re: ?Filling ID3-Tags with Title and Name and fill out Intro time? - 01/07/2008 11:40

Originally Posted By: rowitech
Maybe it's because I am on the other side of the radio station, but I think just hearing one mp3 after the other is hmm, how to say, dead. There is no life in it. When sometimes hearing a DJ or moderator I have the feeling that there is life.

Around here, I'm not sure the DJs could be considered 'life'. When I'm in my roommate's car and he has the radio on, every time the DJ says something, he just goes 'radio still sucks' and turns on his iPod.