
Posted by: lectric

Gustav - 31/08/2008 02:08

Guys, pray for us. We're gonna need it.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Gustav - 31/08/2008 02:44

Or if that's not your thing, at least go outside and blow SW as HARD as you can!
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Gustav - 31/08/2008 03:39

Here's hoping no one gets hurt. Crossing fingers.
Posted by: petteri

Re: Gustav - 31/08/2008 08:38

Stay safe! At least it looks like Cube weakened the storm a bit. Hopefully it won't regain any more strength before it hits land again.
Posted by: Charles Beer

Re: Gustav - 31/08/2008 14:37

thought katrina was supposed to be the storm of a century?

now this big storm coming along right after? I can't remember what katrina was, but I heard this storm is similar.

Posted by: drakino

Re: Gustav - 31/08/2008 16:56

Katrina was a Category 3 storm when it hit land over LA, and it was a rather large storm in size. (The category of a storm only measures the wind speed). Wikipedia is saying it is the 6th strongest hurricane on record, with #1 and #4 also being taken up by 2005 storms. So far, Gustav isn't even near the top ten, and seems to be gaining less strength then expected so far.

Overall, I think between the better coordination of the evacuation efforts and general readyness of people after Katrina, this storm is going to have a much smaller impact on the area. I do wish everyone in the area luck, and feel free to let us know if you need any assistance.

This does still look really scary:
Posted by: lectric

Re: Gustav - 01/09/2008 11:22

Thanks guys... I'm sitting in my office watching it go by. LOOOOOTs of wind and rain, but nothing we can't handle. It IS hard to stand outside though.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Gustav - 01/09/2008 11:29

And Tom, you're absolutely correct. I never thought this was going to be anything like Katrina. The news media and mayor were saying that to get people to leave. In fact, Plaquemine parish turned off the water Saturday to force people to leave. Our power is out here, but The generator has enough fuel for about two weeks. Have not lost phones or even internet, obviously.

If you look at the Katrina maps, it covered the entire Gulf. Gustav was much more compact. The real concern was the levee repairs/upgrades which aren't due to be completed until at least 2011. Right now I'm still hoping my house is OK, but I should be able to check later today.