Wind Through the Olive Trees vocal

Posted by: tanstaafl.

Wind Through the Olive Trees vocal - 14/12/2008 00:34

SWMBO has been looking for a vocal recording of the Christmas hymn "Wind Through the Olive Trees" for several years now, and has been unable to find it.

Can anybody point me to where she can buy it? There is no shortage of places selling the sheet music, and there are some instrumental versions out there, but she wants the vocal.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Wind Through the Olive Trees vocal - 14/12/2008 00:55

There are a number of albums listed on AMG with a song of that title, and many of them have seller links.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Wind Through the Olive Trees vocal - 14/12/2008 06:03

There are a number of albums listed on AMG with a song of that title, and many of them have seller links.

Bitt, you are amazing.

I got to choose from among half a dozen different performances on close to a dozen different albums (different compilation albums frequently had the same performances) and the one that she liked the best cost me a whole 89 cents as a download from

Thank you!
