xkcd tribute to Geocities

Posted by: DWallach

xkcd tribute to Geocities - 27/10/2009 02:40

This is too good. Go visit xkcd. Read the HTML source as well. Randal Munroe is either an insane genius, or just insane.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: xkcd tribute to Geocities - 27/10/2009 03:36

I appear to be missing something. I didn't see anything in the source that seemed unusual... Then again it's been a really long time since I last experienced the wonders of Geocities.

On a side note, I found out that I know someone who went to college with Randal Munroe. This guy I know was at CNU and talking to a buddy of his about how much they loved xkcd. Randal was hanging out with them and said,"you guys know I write that, right?"
Posted by: ricin

Re: xkcd tribute to Geocities - 27/10/2009 05:21

Posted by: mlord

Re: xkcd tribute to Geocities - 27/10/2009 10:20

Okay, I don't see any reference to geocities in any of the recent xkcd comics. Was there one specific episode in particular ?
Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: xkcd tribute to Geocities - 27/10/2009 10:44

Yesterday the XKCD homepage was laid out in typical geocities fashion.

edit: Better image: http://imgur.com/Zqiwr.gif
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: xkcd tribute to Geocities - 27/10/2009 11:26

I can see the humor in the mocking, but this is also how all current MySpace web pages look, which makes me cry a little inside.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: xkcd tribute to Geocities - 20/11/2009 01:11

"X10KCD SPY CAMERA". That so elegantly parodies an entire web "generation" of banner ad annoyance.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: xkcd tribute to Geocities - 20/11/2009 15:15

Yeah, that company is freaking nuts. I mean, where to start? I think they have the absolute worst designed retail page on the internet. They seemed to be responsible for about 90% of annoying internet advertising back in the day. They have some cool (if cheap) home automation products, but instead their entire site is devoted to shilling those cameras that they've always advertised fairly overtly as a way to spy on women.


I mean seriously, I actually do like their home automation products. They're cheaply made, but they're also very inexpensive (if you know where to get them), and they function really well these days. It's just too bad that the company seems to have little interest in them.