unusual word-wrap behavior on the BBS?

Posted by: DWallach

unusual word-wrap behavior on the BBS? - 04/05/2011 14:31

So here I am, typing a response to whatever it is, and then I hit the end of the line and it's about time for it to wrap around, but it doesn't always wrap properly. Sometimes everything is as expected. Other times, when I'm typing on the word that's about to wrap around to the next line and I hit the space bar, it's ignored and I end up with a compound word.

Naturally, as I'm trying to document the bug, I'm completely unable to reproduce the issue, but it's happened to me several times over the past few weeks and once earlier today. Anybody else? Am I doing something wrong? I use Chrome, which means my precise version number is a moving target, and of course they did just recently roll out Chrome 11...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: unusual word-wrap behavior on the BBS? - 04/05/2011 14:45

I have never experienced that on this BBS. I've been using Firefox, so it could be a Chrome issue.
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: unusual word-wrap behavior on the BBS? - 04/05/2011 14:47

Haven't noticed it, myself. But then, if I'm doing anything longer than a
couple of sentences, I use the "it's all text" plugin and do the editing in vim.
Posted by: drakino

Re: unusual word-wrap behavior on the BBS? - 04/05/2011 15:07

Haven't noticed it either, on Safari.

Good place to ask though, anyone want the default text box sizes increased? I figure I can keep the quick reply one here at the bottom small, and then make the full screen reply one larger. I'm so used to Safari allowing resizing I don't personally think much about defaults anymore.

And my perspective may be warped a bit now, since I tend to stare at 2560x1440 monitors most of the time now, could be massive already for some people.
Posted by: Dignan

Re: unusual word-wrap behavior on the BBS? - 04/05/2011 15:18

I don't think you need to increase the size. Chrome lets you enlarge the text box too, but I almost never do when replying here.

I've also not seen the behavior Dan describes. I'm running Chrome 11 on Windows 7.
Posted by: canuckInOR

Re: unusual word-wrap behavior on the BBS? - 04/05/2011 15:31

Originally Posted By: drakino
Good place to ask though, anyone want the default text box sizes increased?
Not me. Firefox 4 also does resizing. I use the "it's all text" plugin, so that I can use a competent text editor, not because the edit box is too small.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: unusual word-wrap behavior on the BBS? - 04/05/2011 16:16

Originally Posted By: drakino
Good place to ask though, anyone want the default text box sizes increased?


On the PC, using Firefox 4, I can drag the corner to increase the size. On my iPhone they're already too big.