Embedded video isn't copyright infringement

Posted by: gbeer

Embedded video isn't copyright infringement - 04/08/2012 02:58

Gizmodo link

“But as long as the visitor makes no copy of the copyrighted video that he is watching, he is not violating the copyright owner’s exclusive right… His bypassing Flava’s pay wall by viewing the uploaded copy is equivalent to stealing a copyrighted book from a bookstore and reading it. That is a bad thing to do (in either case) but it is not copyright infringement.”
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Embedded video isn't copyright infringement - 04/08/2012 03:17

Viewing is not copyright infringement and has never been that I know of. I'm not sure anything new is being discussed here (at Gizmodo). However, anyone hosting, distributing or otherwise making available the video (or any content) contrary to the wishes of the lawful copyright holder, is in violation of copyright law.

Glad to see that the main subject of the post, linking to, was struck down by the courts, since it would be really stretching the bounds of copyright law.