Posted by: oliver

GPS - 07/04/2002 13:46

Hi, about a month ago my car got broken into. Luckly my empeg mark1 wasn't in the car at the time. But i did loose a $1000 amp. I had an idea today about a product i think everyone on this board would use. It might not even be possible to do, but it would still be nice.
It would have to be somthing extremly small that could be installed in almost any amp, or even an empeg. This unit would have to be able to be tracked via a website. Just a simple map that would tell you where your stuff is

any ideas?
Posted by: cyberco

Re: GPS - 07/04/2002 15:53

Hi Oliver,

My company looked into this project about 18 months ago, it is very exciting but there are a few technical difficulties and cost issues that don't yet make it practical.

You need to link GPS to GSM and use the mobile phone network to communicate with the device, the closest we came to this was a small black box with remote antennas!

It's very feasable but not on a small chip, as you still need antennas to look for the GPS signal and a different antenna to transmit GSM!

Hope this answers your question,

Posted by: oliver

Re: GPS - 08/04/2002 07:23

How much is this litte black box? and how little is it?

Posted by: cyberco

Re: GPS - 08/04/2002 08:11


Thanks for your interest but the prototype wasn't really that good! (hence dropping the project).

It was the size of a packet of cigarettes but the worst thing was it needed a remote GPS antenna which was as big as the electronics and required positioning with line of site to the sky!

Posted by: svferris

Re: GPS - 08/04/2002 13:32

Don't know if this helps, but GPS wristbands for children are just coming into the market. They're about the size of a wristwatch and are trackable. So, if the child goes missing, you can activate the finder. Not sure if they're through special companies that might get upset if you used it for equipment.

Wouldn't hurt to look into, though.
Posted by: oliver

Re: GPS - 08/04/2002 13:52

Yeah, actually i heard about this last night. But what i heard about was a small microchip that get implanted under your skin. I did a little research today, and found the watch thing. I've got to do more digging on the implant chip, that would be perfect
Posted by: svferris

Re: GPS - 08/04/2002 15:06

Yeah, I read about that guy that was the first to get the implant. Scares me a bit. Talk about Big Brother.

I'm sure they claim that it's private, but we all know the government can get to anything they want.
Posted by: tman

Re: GPS - 08/04/2002 17:34

The implant can't be tracked very long distance can it? If it can then I'd certainly think twice before having such a powerful transmitter actually under my skin! And to think there are enough problems with mobile phones!

Although having a small trackable ID for each person can help do lots of neat things but also have the problems with big brother as you said...

- Trevor