Random hickups

Posted by: wvloon

Random hickups - 13/08/2000 13:29


I'm experiencing (very rare) hickups. It sounds like a skipping CD player. When I skip backwards to hear it again its gone so it's really random. I suspect a malfunctioning harddrive. Is there any way to check if my assumptions are correct (surface scan or check for redirected blocks or something like that ?)


Posted by: dionysus

Re: Random hickups - 13/08/2000 13:33

...Have you upgraded to the lastest release of the empeg software? There was a bug that was causing this with the shipping version of the software last week, but it has since been fixed. Check your empeg/emplode version - you should be up to Consumer Release 1.

...proud to have owned one of the first Mark I units
Posted by: rob

Re: Random hickups - 13/08/2000 16:05

This is almost certainly not a hard disk problem. Check you have the latest software, and if you continue to experience it email bugs@empeg.com with as many details as you can remember.
