Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2

Posted by: faceless041974

Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 21/09/2004 21:27

I installed service pack two on my computer and now Im getting a "Player no longer seems to be connected" message whenever I try and use the ethernet connection on my Empeg. Any ideas how to fix this? Please email me at with any ideas. If you know how to solve this please put specific instructions as Im not very proficient with changing settings. I tried disabling the firewall and it still doesnt work.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 21/09/2004 21:32

This is the first time I've heard of SP2 specifically causing problems other than the known issue of the firewall. The first thing I would have suggested is that the firewall was the problem, but you said you disabled it.

So first, triple-check that the firewall really did get disabled.

Next, double check the player's IP address from its front panel.

Then see if you can PING that address from a DOS prompt.

Double check your PC's IP address and make sure it's on the same subnet as the empeg player.

Finally, go through every troubleshooting step listed here.

Then come back here and let us know how you fared, and we'll see what we can do from there.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 22/09/2004 18:16

OK Ive disabled the firewall before going through every step on the trouble shoot and I still get the same message. I am able to ping the address from the DOS prompt. The players IP is set to and my computer is set to with both subnets on Im at a loss here and I definitely dont want to be forced into using the serial cable all the time.
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 22/09/2004 18:22

What's between the computer and the empeg (hubs, switches, routers...)? Some switches can be impossible to get to work without putting a simple hub between it and the empeg...
Did you try a crossover ethernet cable directly between empeg and computer - cutting out any other gear?
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 22/09/2004 19:26

Might want to switch cables too...
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 22/09/2004 19:38

There is nothing between the computer and the empeg. Im using a crossover cable directly into the ethernet port.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 22/09/2004 19:39

Cable is new.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 22/09/2004 20:14

I am able to ping the address from the DOS prompt.

Hm. Emplode should see the player, then. If you can ping, then everything else should work and it's not a hardware or cable issue.

There wouldn't happen to be ANOTHER device on the network that's ALSO assigned or would there?

Are both the player itself, and the emplode software, version 2.0 final?
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 22/09/2004 23:52

Emplode software is both the final versions of 2.00. It recognizes the player and the icon comes up as empeg on but when I click ok the "Player not connected" message comes up. Nothing else is on the network using those addresses. I have one ethernet for my DSL connection and another one for just my empeg.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 00:07

Pretty hard for there to be other computers on the network when "using a crossover cable directly into the ethernet port."
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 00:42

I think I remember Peter mentioning that Windows has a problem broadcasting across multiple NIC's, that it seems to randomly choose which one to transmit across (I could be mangling his words here, but I thought I remember him posting this on riovolution recently). Have you tried jEmplode at all? I try to be pretty aggressive about broadcasting on each interface explicitly just in case ...
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 01:13

Cable is new.

This might be the root of your problem.

Ethernet cables (like serial cables) come in two flavors -- "regular" and "crossover" Below is an excerpt from a website that a google search for 'ethernet crossover cable' returned:

Ethernet crossover cables are most often used in home networks when connecting two ethernet computers without a hub. An Ethernet crossover cable has it's send and receive wires crossed. When using a hub or switch, this is automatically done for you.

Unfortunately some devices like cable and dsl modems have their actual ethernet plugs reversed. This is to allow people to hook up a cable modem to a computer without a special crossover cable. When adding a hub into the mix, the issue can get confusing.

Are you sure your new cable is the right cable?

Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 02:11

Are you sure your new cable is the right cable

Or even if it's the right type - is it known to work for other devices?
Posted by: JeffreyB

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 09:55

He got a good ping from DOS, so the cable should be good and the correct one. I think like was mentioned above, the problem is multiple NICs...

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 11:27

Question: you mention your computer is set to above with the player at (I may have that reversed). But if you have two NICs, what IP is each NIC set for? It might be that you are running on each NIC, and your system is confused and the ping is going out the wrong physical interface. I know you received a response from your ping, but could that response have been something else on your other NIC card (NAT router)? Just checking.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 15:35

I just tried reversing the IP addresses and that didnt work either. What is a NIC? A network interface card? If thats right the one I use for my DSL connection gets the IP automatically. All I know is Im frustrated as hell because everything was fine until I installed service pack 2.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 15:36

If thats right the one I use for my DSL connection gets the IP automatically.

And just out of curiosity, what is the address of the DHCP server itself?

Perhaps you're assigning the empeg the same address as the DHCP server?
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 15:50

I dont know how to check the DHCP server address. Under the windows firewall there are advanced settings. Should anything be changed or added?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 16:13

This will help a lot.

Get a command prompt and type:

ipconfig /all

and show us the output.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 16:26

Ok this is what I got

Windows IP configuration

host name.....keith-nz77ttas5
primary dns suffix:
node type:unknown
ip routing enabled:no
wins proxy enabled:no

ethernet adapter earthlink

connection specific dns suffix:
description:intel pro/100 ve network connection
physical address:00-e0-18-38-60-d6
dhcp enabled:yes
autoconfiguration enabled:yes
ip address:
subnet mask:
default gateway:
dhcp server:
dns servers:

Ethernet adapter Empeg

connection specific dns suffix:
description:netgear fa311 fast ethernet adapter
physical address:00-02-e3-17-4b-97
dhcp enabled:no
ip address:
subnet mask:
default gateway:

thats everything its listed. could it be the subnet masks being the same? i think i tried differnt ones but still had the same problem.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 16:42

Is there a reason you're using a second NIC, and you're not just plugging the empeg into the hub with the DSL connection?

That's the first thing you should do, set the empeg to DHCP and just put it into the same hub with the DSL connection. This is the basic configuration described here.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 17:29

Is a hub the same thing as a router?
Posted by: JBjorgen

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 17:37

No, but if you're using a broadband router, its probably acting as a hub/switch too. Just plug it into an open port on that with a straight through cable and set it up to use DHCP.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 17:46

With the side note that you've got to configure the empeg's network settings via a serial cable or a USB cable...

Regarding how to plug things in, that link I gave above has pictures and descriptions of the equipment. A router and a hub are not the same thing, but sometimes routers have hubs built in to them. In other words, if there are several ethernet jacks on the back of your router instead of just 2, then it's also a hub and you can plug your empeg right in.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 19:01

Tony, I know this might be for advanced users... but can't you edit config.ini and change the IP and DHCP setting while connected via ethernet?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 19:28

Well, he can't even connect via ethernet, that's the problem he's trying to solve.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 19:33

I know, I admit to being off topic. I guess he didn't need to be told to use the serial or USB cable.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 19:36

Well, you could, but as soon as you changed the interface settings on the player, you would lose your existing telnet session. Your command string would have to be exact for you to start a new session on the other network settings.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 19:59

? I meant change the setting in the config.ini file via emplode. They wouldn't take effect until a sync at which point you wouldn't be able to reconnect to the player without changing your connection options. Maybe I'm wrong?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 20:07

Oh... Nevermind. I was changing the IP on the fly. Yes, you can change config.ini very easily and have it take hold on the next boot.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 20:29

OK I really thank everyone for their help thus far. But I just tried hooking everything up through the router/hub and I have the same problem. I set both to get IP addresses automatically and Im still getting the "player no longer seems to be connected" message. Also and forgive my ignorance but what exactly does all this third party software do? ie jemplode, hijack and emphatic?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 20:37

Hmmm... Silly question / thought. The empeg only supports 10Mbps. I wonder if your card / connection is negotiating at the wrong speed or duplex. Can you reconnect the direct crossover cable, force the network interface to 10Mbps half duplex and see if that helps?

Note: I see a lot of this where I work because the section of the building where my cube is was wired with cheap CAT3. It may autonegotiate at 100Mbps, but it is half duplex, noisy, cannot support it and everyone gets dropped unless they force 10...
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 21:00

How do I do that?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 21:14

Im still getting the "player no longer seems to be connected" message.

I may have asked this before. Please report the player software version from the player's front panel ABOUT menu. Then report the Emplode version from the Emplode menu.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 21:34

According to my router manual the connection to my empeg is 10 mbps because its lighting up yellow. Green is for 100mbps. Both software versions are 2.00. Is it possible that I have to open a port manually for the player? If so how/what would I need to do.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 21:42

Hm. That's all correct, then. Wonder if it's some kind of other software on the system that's interfering. Something we haven't thought of yet...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 21:43

Is it possible that I have to open a port manually for the player? If so how/what would I need to do.

Only if there were firewall or packet-filtering software getting in the way. And you said the firewall was disabled.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 21:46

I think im going to uninstall service pack 2 and see if that works because I guess there are a ton of programs having problems with the pack.
Posted by: mcomb

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 22:14

Something we haven't thought of yet...

Isn't SP2 supposed to place a limit on the max number of simultaneous network connections regardless of the firewall? Could cause all sorts of weird issues if he is hitting the limit due to some other software (P2P, spyware, whatever) running at the same time.

Posted by: tman

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 23/09/2004 22:26

It limits the number of pending connections you can have not the actual number of connections.
Posted by: faceless041974

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 24/09/2004 00:54

Well I unistalled service pack two and now everything works fine. Thanks everyone for your help. I guess if others have the same problem they know what to do.
Posted by: Roger

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 24/09/2004 06:43

Well I unistalled service pack two and now everything works fine. Thanks everyone for your help. I guess if others have the same problem they know what to do.

It would make more sense to see if anyone else is having trouble with XP SP2, because I'm using my empeg with XP SP2 and it's working fine. I've not tried any large syncs, but I can definitely connect and enumerate the content every time. I have the XP SP2 firewall set to the default settings.

I did select "Unblock" when I ran emplode the first time, though. I don't know why XP thinks that emplode is attempting to accept connections from the outside world, but I trust the person who wrote it .

For the record, I'm using a D-Link DSL-604+ router. My desktop PC is plugged directly into one of the ports on this. Into one of the other ports is plugged a Netgear FS-108 switch, and into this switch is plugged my empeg. DHCP is provided by one of my Linux boxen, which is also plugged into the switch.
Posted by: image

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 24/09/2004 12:47

Ok this is what I got

description:intel pro/100 ve network connection
ip address:

Ethernet adapter Empeg
ip address:

can't believe no one saw this? different IP network altogether. change your IP on your NIC card temporarily to (Start -> Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Right Click Local Area Network -> Properties -> Dbl-Click TCP/IP -> and change from DHCP to the above) and connect to change your empeg's ip to either DHCP or something on the subnet. Then change your computer back to DHCP also. or you can do some arp magic, if you're desperate. Don't really know why SP2 would change that. did you also change your router at the same time?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 24/09/2004 12:50

No, we saw that.

He said he tried it both ways. Both with the empeg plugged into the second (10.) nic with a crossover cable and a fixed IP, and also plugged into his router (192.) with DHCP.

Neither way worked for him, and it worked before SP2, and also deinstalling SP2 fixed it for him.

Now, I'd really love to find out exactly what it was about SP2 that broke it so we could have that data for the future. And he's gonna have to move up to SP2 eventually. So really, the problem isn't solved...
Posted by: image

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 24/09/2004 12:59

oh, i get it. mistook his other NIC card as his empeg info.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 24/09/2004 18:21

Besides which, he was able to ping the empeg from the machine on which he was running emplode.

I wonder if it was some weird MTU-like problem. Not that he was going through a router, but maybe something else in there was choking on extra-large packets.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 24/09/2004 18:30

Hm, I wonder if SP2 alters anything in terms of the way TCP packets are handled...
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 24/09/2004 21:07

Roger, your post is the only one I've seen that mentions selecting "Unblock". I've never actually blocked anything w. SP2, so I wonder if once you block it, you have to dig through settings to unblock.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 24/09/2004 21:11

Yeah, I wonder where those settings are stored, and how to get to a screen that lists them?
Posted by: Roger

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 25/09/2004 05:48

Yeah, I wonder where those settings are stored, and how to get to a screen that lists them?

Control Panel / Windows Firewall / Exceptions.

I've got "Rio emplode" in my list. I don't know where the blocked (and already-prompted-for) programs are stored, but if you click on "Add Program..." and browse for the emplode executable, you should be able to add it to the exceptions list.
Posted by: Glen_L

Re: Ethernet connection troubles with XP Service Pack 2 - 25/09/2004 08:52

It took a good bit of digging, but it looks like


are the two registry keys for network and workgroup profiles.

Hmm, it seems these keys are for the allowed programs that can be found in the control panel Roger mentioned. Not sure where the "blocked" program list is to be found. Maybe if e.g. Emplode was originally blocked and then subsequently added to the allow list it would work.

Edit: from the .doc file here.