Player not booting

Posted by: cob666

Player not booting - 26/10/2004 21:03


My MK2a isn't booting. I connected to terminal server and the machine kept cycling through the prompt to upgrade the flash. I ran logo editor and installed the Hijack kernel. After applying the patch and then connecting to terminal server I get the 'Let the Penguins Fly' message but then it hangs at

(data abort vector)

any suggestions?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player not booting - 26/10/2004 21:20

did you get the happy face at the end of the logoedt kernel installation?

Are you ***** S U R E ***** the kernel .zimage file was correct and was not corrupted? What did you use to download that kernel file?

Also do a RAM test, described in the FAQ about using hyperterminal.
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 26/10/2004 22:30

Hi Tony...

I actually did get the smiley face after the kernal upload. I was quite pleased (if only for a VERY short period of time) with myself.

I just used firefox to download the file and have not yet encountered a bad download. I would have performed a CRC check but didn't have any information about the correct checksum. I also did perform the RAM test by pressing CTRL-T during power-up and didn't get any errors during the check.

This happened quite suddenly. The player worked in my car this morning, I brought it in the house to upload some additional songs and the empeg wouldn't boot up when I plugged in the adapter. I didn't drop it.

I also couldn't find any information about the (data abort vector) message instead of telling me that the kernel was loading into memory.

Is there something in particular I could check or is there a way to force the bootup into a more extreme diagnostic mode?

Thanks again!
Posted by: mlord

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 00:22

cycle power, and see if it boots from power-on.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 02:20

Just for the heck of it, try downloading the zimage file with IE instead of Firefox.

Also, make sure that it's the correct zimage file for your player, in other words, if you have a Mk2, then make sure the get the Mk2 version of the zimage file. Then try applying agin.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 02:21

Oh. And try flashing and then booting the player with the hard disks completely removed. See if it boots the kernel then.
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 04:32

The player worked in my car this morning, I brought it in the house to upload some additional songs and the empeg wouldn't boot up when I plugged in the adapter

I'm guessing it no longer boots up in the car as well?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 05:23

Oh yeah, doug's got a point!!! Could just be a bad AC adapter that doesn't have enough power to spin up the disk drives. As the drives spin up, voltage goes down and bam.
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 10:34

I initially did the power off and boot up with no HD attached and got the Abort Vector message. Also, the player doesn't boot up the car either. When I run the self-test (CTRL-T) the drive spins up and everything sounds OK but during a normal boot I hear no drive activity on boot and it looks like the kernel isn't even loading.

I will try to re-download the kernel and re-apply and see what happens there.

Any chance that one of the developers can tell me what that message actually means and/or what the player is trying to do? That might help me narrow down the problem or let me know that I need to send the unit in for repair.

Posted by: mlord

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 13:18

The message means "reflash the kernel".
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 13:21


I will re-download the hijack kernel and try again. Unless there is a different player image I should be using to flash some life back into my player!

Posted by: RobotCaleb

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 15:27

reflash with the developer image first, then apply the hijack again.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 16:23

Just use the download program, or Tony's Logo Editor, to reflash only the Hijack kernel. No need to do a full reinstallation yet.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 16:25

Yeah, we want to see if the kernel and flash are working at all before trying to go to the trouble of installing an entire hard disk partition.

Definitely try the kernel flash with no disks installed to see if the flash takes and if the kernel can boot without the disks.
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 21:09

I re-downloaded (several times) this kernel:
and applied it also several times and keep getting the same message
(data abort vector)

What should I try next?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 21:10

This is with the disk drives completely unplugged from the player?

If so, it's time for Stu or Rob to get their hands on it.
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 27/10/2004 22:51

I'll try one more time with the drives NOT connected to the board and then I guess I'll have to send it in <GULP>

Thanks for all the help guys!

Posted by: mlord

Re: Player not booting - 28/10/2004 00:32

I wonder if you are getting it into kernel download mode or not.. Tony, how can he tell if the thing is successfully downloading a kernel or not?
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 28/10/2004 09:54

I'm getting the progress indicators and the smiley face in the logo editor program when I flash the kernel. Also, I still haven't removed the drives and reflashed the kernel. I'll do that after work today.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player not booting - 28/10/2004 14:49

Tony, how can he tell if the thing is successfully downloading a kernel or not?


I can't imagine a situation where the kernel flash would fail yet still give a smiley face. That smiley face only appears when upload.exe successfully sent every packet and got every proper receipt handshake in return.

Now, that doesn't mean it thinks the kernel file was a good kernel. It never examines the kernel file or does any sort of validation on its contents. You could send it a JPG of Claudia Schiffer and it would still give you the happy face.

Which is why I wanted to make certain he downloaded it with a browser that never inserts CRLFs into the downloaded files. (The Netscape-family browsers when run on the Windows platform sometimes will do that on a binary file if the server's MIME types aren't set right. They're doing the correct thing according to spec, and IE is deliberately breaking spec in that case, but at least it never inserts CRLFs into a binary file.)
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Player not booting - 28/10/2004 17:33

To be completely sure, run md5sum (can be had for instance here) on the file and post the checksum + exactly which file (URL/version etc) being used, and someone else here, having hopefully loaded the same successfully, can do the same and confirm if it's OK or not...
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 01/11/2004 20:53

Here is the response I got when running md5sum

C:\Temp\Rio>md5sum v413.hijack.mk2.zimage
215c920ce353441c3f7fe45c894d1fcf *v413.hijack.mk2.zImage

I downloaded the zimage file from here: and selected the pre-built kernel for all mk2 players.

Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 01/11/2004 21:02

OK --
Tried to flash one more time, this time with no HD connected. Got the smiley face, disconnected power supply, reconnected after opening HyperTerminal and get this:

empeg-car bootstrap v1.02 20001106 (
If there is anyone present who wants to upgrade the flash, let them speak now,
or forever hold their seems not. Let fly the Penguins of Linux!

As you can see, I no longer get the data abort vector message but then again, it looks like the kernel isn't loading.

Any more suggestions?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player not booting - 01/11/2004 21:07

I get the same checksum, so the file is good. Or at least, the file is the same as what Mark intended you to download.

Another thought occurred to me:

I think it might be possible that your serial cable is bad, but only on the TX line. In other words, there is some garbage getting mixed up on the TX line, but the "receiver" program in the empeg isn't validating the data so it doesn't know any better. Can anyone debunk this theory?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Player not booting - 01/11/2004 21:14

A quick check would be to try and reflash it from another computer. Given that you are able to get into the self-test and view output, I would think the TX and RX lines would be okay. But another machine might be a worthy experiment.

Also, I would want to verify that you are using the original upgrader and upgrader developer image, that you have the empeg powered off and plug it in when asked. That can sometimes get you past any bad kernel that may have been there previously.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player not booting - 01/11/2004 21:25

He's definitely already doing those things since he gets the happy face in logoedit.

I agree trying it from another PC is a good idea.
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 01/11/2004 22:12

I'll try a different PC and let you know how it goes!

Posted by: mlord

Re: Player not booting - 01/11/2004 22:13

The other possible reason for the error is bad RAM, or a botched attempt at a memory upgrade.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Player not booting - 01/11/2004 22:15

He said his player passed the Ctrl-T RAM test. But bad flash might do it...

Does anything appear on the player's screen when the error happens? Has the player worked normally in the past?
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 01/11/2004 22:52

The player worked PERFECTLY fine until Friday. It worked in my car and then didn't work when I plugged it in to synch some new music. The screen is totally blank and I already checked the nipple and the ribbon cable to the screen.

Posted by: mlord

Re: Player not booting - 02/11/2004 00:48

The flash looks fine -- it's unlikely to just have a single location fault, but more likely to lose a whole address/data line perhaps. I have near-zero faith in any DRAM test that runs in under 10 minutes (my own included), so I'm still betting on bad DRAM.

genixia is the best bet here.

Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 05/11/2004 14:05

OK, Tried reflashing on a different computer but nothing new happened.

What next?

Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 07/11/2004 19:39

Should I be sending in my empeg for service at this point or is there something else I can try on my own to determine what the problem may be?

I've lost the use of this empeg for two weeks and it's killing me that I have to actually listen to CDs again - ARRRRGGGHHHHHHH.

Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 11/11/2004 11:25

I got an email from Stuart at eutronix so hopefullly he will be able to do something for me. He suggested that it could be bad RAM so perhaps I could try swapping out the RAM first.

Does this sound like a reasonable thing to do?

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Player not booting - 11/11/2004 12:22

The RAM is soldered directly to the motherboard, so no.

There are some RAM tests, but they're not very complete. Try hooking up the player via the serial port again and press Ctrl-T during startup to get to one of them. (This is in the FAQ somewhere -- too lazy to look.) If it says that it's bad, it's bad. If it doesn't, it might still be.
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 11/11/2004 14:29

I've done the start up test every time I try to re-flash the player but to no avail - ARRRRRGGGHHHHHH

Amazing how much you miss something when you can't use it any more. Sucks having two cars and only one empeg player.
Posted by: maczrool

Re: Player not booting - 11/11/2004 20:40

The RAM is soldered directly to the motherboard, so no.

Hey if it's bad it's bad. You just need the right tools and knowhow to replace it.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Player not booting - 11/11/2004 21:01

Well, it sounded like he wanted to try it himself and I got the impression that he thought he could just swap some DIMMs or something, and I (mis)remembered that he seemed hardware hesitant. So I meant "no" to him just giving it a shot.
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 11/11/2004 21:18

I'm only hardware hesitant when it requires a soldering iron

So, does anybody else have ANY ideas what could be wrong with my player. The initial replies I received made me hopefull but I haven't heard anything back from anybody and I still have a non-functioning empeg sitting next to my desk.

Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 11/11/2004 23:09

I just heard back from Stuart at Eutronix and he suggested that I send it out to Rob Schofield for repair.

So, if Rob is out there reading this then are you taking any units for repair and how do I send it out to you? Also, is the cost for shipping prohibitive enough where I would be better off buying a new player and using this one for parts? (Assuming of course I could find another one!)

Posted by: mlord

Re: Player not booting - 12/11/2004 01:04

Shipping should be cheap.. Airmail for JUST THE MAINBOARD should be about US$25 one-way.

But if genixia could look at it first (he's in Boston area), then it might get fixed (or not) sooner.

Posted by: schofiel

Re: Player not booting - 12/11/2004 21:04

Yup, I'm here. Email me on
Posted by: schofiel

Re: Player not booting - 19/11/2004 22:13

No-where on this thread do I see that you have attempted to re-flash the player using V2 Final using the serial cable and the updater to get the player back to a known state using standard software. Also, I don't know which version of the player software you were using prior to this problem. Were you using V3.xxB releases, by any chance?

Have you done anything recently to the player, ie. open it, install a new disk, try a memory upgrade, anything else?
Posted by: cob666

Re: Player not booting - 22/11/2004 14:36

I was using V2 before the failure. I first tried to re-install 2.0 using emplode but emplode did not find a player on the serial port. That is when I tried to connect using terminal.

I haven't done anything to the empeg prior to failure. In fact, my empeg is the only computer I owned that I DIDN'T have to tinker with constantly!

I contacted genixia and I will most likely send the empeg to him after Thanksgiving and see if he can repair it.

Posted by: genixia

Re: Player not booting - 11/01/2005 04:06

The player takes a kernel flash from logoedit. Logoedit recognises the player and completes successfully, but the player still won't boot.

Ethernet activity LED and internal red LED are stuck on. Bus transceivers appear to be in HiZ. It's not the memory. Flash?