Translucent Buttons

Posted by: bmihulka

Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 11:05

I am now working on making translucent buttons and knobs for the led hack. I have not prefected the process just yet but when I do I will be offering buttons, knobs, led hack kits, and maybe an led hack service. I you might be interested email me at and let me know what you would be interested in. Some pictures of what I'm working on are below, enjoy.

First good attempt

Second better attempt

You can see the defects I get right now, but I've only tried about five times so far. Right now I can only make blue but if the demand is there other colors will follow.

Here is the board I designed to light the knob. I will offer it with all three leds or only the two opposite each other as requested.

First set of buttons and knob in place.

Same buttons with facia.
Posted by: Chao

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 11:07

Quite a nice job there, how much are you thinking about offering buttons+board for?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 11:35

Me want. Now. How much? Never mind how much, I'll just write you a blank check.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 11:37

My only suggestion... The formula for the button plastic... Can it include some white or gray pigment to make it more "milky"? To distribute the light more evenly.
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 12:09

Probably, I've just started working with this stuff and I think alot is possible.
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 12:11

I'm not sure just yet. As soon as I figure it out and decide I will have a post listed in anouncments, and probably a web page.
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 12:13

Looks very promising!

As Tony said, any way to get them to spread the light more?

I'd be interested both in red and blue buttons, mostly for the four menu buttons (as I plan to go with an aluminum knob), but whattheheck... Hmmm, maybe through-drilled holes around the perifery of an alu knob, that LED-board with two LEDs (or a similar one with only one LED, top center...) Hmmm...

Definately add me to the very interested list.

Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 14:22

Instead of "blue" colored translucent buttons, how about cloudy grey or white translucent buttons and then used the appropriate colored LED for the colored light. (this is assuming making the buttons in colors is difficult). If making the buttons in various colors is not difficult, then how about white LEDs and colored translucent buttons?

Posted by: beaker

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 19:14

These look pretty good for your early attempts. Coincidentally I bought some clear casting resin and some Silicone putty for making moulds today for making buttons & knobs too.
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 19:14

It's basically the same as making clear translucent buttons. And actually the casting plastic without dye is actually slightly amber. I have made a modification to the buttons that should make them look beter, I'm just waiting for them to set up. I just happen to only have blue dye right now. And the white led is the route I have gone, so if I ever change my face color, I only need new buttons. My plan with a kit is to supply white leds, resistors needed, and choice of color later. The knob board will be offered separately. As soon as I get the results on the buttons I like I will post pricing info.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 19:46

do you have picture in the dark ?
Posted by: Shonky

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 20:38

Definitely interested here too.
Posted by: Chuck

Re: Translucent Buttons - 19/01/2002 21:35

I second what Tony said:
In reply to:

Me want. Now. How much? Never mind how much, I'll just write you a blank check.

Way cool! The only thing the empeg has been lacking.

I've got two - green & blue - put me in the queue!

I might need the hack service, as I can't solder my way out of a paper bag... Keep me informed!
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Translucent Buttons - 20/01/2002 10:47

Regarding the LEDs -- Are they set up to dim with the rest of the display?

Posted by: Chao

Re: Translucent Buttons - 20/01/2002 11:32

That shouldn't be necessary, the only time you need lit buttons is at night... so have them pre-dimmed
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Translucent Buttons - 20/01/2002 11:38

Regarding the LEDs -- Are they set up to dim with the rest of the display?

Hugo has stated in the past that there should be a way to control the brightness of the button LEDs from the software. Maybe we could gift a button kit to Mark and he could include it in Hijack? Or perhaps if enough folks do this mod, Hugo will put it into the default player software?
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: Translucent Buttons - 20/01/2002 16:56

Actually, I have already hacked the kernel to do so. I still want to do a little testing, but I will provide a patch when appropriate.
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: Translucent Buttons New web page - 20/01/2002 16:59

I have put up a minimal web page for this stuff. It will be added to as I get new results.

Just go here.
Posted by: Micman2b

Re: Translucent Buttons New web page - 20/01/2002 20:38

Now that is a work of art... beautiful...

Where do I sign up for a kit...

Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Translucent Buttons New web page - 20/01/2002 23:01

Have you thought about using 4 LEDs on the ring around the rotary knob? Perhaps using smaller parts if the ones you've got on there now are too wide.

Seems like you've pretty much put together exactly what I was thinking back when some of the original lighting threads were going on.

Would you mind putting up any info on the mold-making techniques/products you've used? I looked briefly at some possible casting materials for making re-usable molds, but nothing in depth. Thinking about making the molds was driving me a bit batty without actually trying it though.

Posted by: bmihulka

Re: Translucent Buttons New web page - 21/01/2002 08:15

I had thought about using 4 or 5 leds, but the display is in the way. As I get time I'll put up more info about what I've used in the process.
Posted by: rob

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 08:59

Very cool, if you want official qualification by the development team feel free to send over a couple of sets

Posted by: Yang

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 09:13

Though, if you want unofficial qualification, you'll have to send out a few hundred sets..
Posted by: AlphaWolf

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 10:20

If anyone doesn't bother to check the other areas of the message board, a rather interesting alternative to the lighted buttons is being discussed We're talking about using a sheet of indiglo material. This sheet is about 2 pieces of paper thick and can be cut into any shape and size. The transformer is really small (under 1" square) and runs off of 9 volts. This can be installed in the area for the second hard drive. It can be wired directly to the headlight sense circuit to allow nighttime use.
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 11:33

Don't settle for less! :-D If the buttons are software dimmable then you can do really slick visual effects..........

Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 12:26

Remember that (AFAIK; I'd be happy to be wrong) you have no individual control over each LED.

Posted by: Chao

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 12:27

You are completely correct

I never thought about pulsing LEDs in time to the music! (well, I did as an independant idea, and not relating to the empeg :P )

Can someone please re-post where we can get spare buttons from? I would like to cast my own, make an amateur mold, etc. but do not want to wreck or remove my current buttons. I have not been able to find the part number & supplier from searching the forum archives :|
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 15:13

I was already thinking about doing that. I just still need to iron a couple details out.
Posted by: Nosferatu

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 15:18

Could you do and sell Transluscent buttons kit with detailed notice and electronics parts ?
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 18:13

In reply to:

Could you do and sell Transluscent buttons kit with detailed notice and electronics parts ?

I plan on doing just that. The details will be posted to my web site and the BBS when ready.
Posted by: mandiola

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 19:11

Hmm.. Just out of curiousity.. how much do these buttons cost to make? And can you make red ones? Red buttons + Blue screen = perfect match to acompany my sony cd deck. I just need to find a bluer blue for the screen and it would be perfect. Then all I need is to order some gauge inserts with blue and red and life would be great ; )

p.s. im really interested in purchasing some from you.

Posted by: TheTwin314

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 20:31

nice, green buttons and the light kit would be killer.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Translucent Buttons - 21/01/2002 20:41

I'd actually prefer it if the buttons were a sort of dim neutral gray in color.

That way they would look similar to the current buttons during the day, and would match most of my instrument panel (which is mostly grayish except for green accents) at night.

I wonder if Brian will be able to make different colors?
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Translucent Buttons - 23/01/2002 18:25

Wouldn't that be grand, if each individual led could be controlled? I am picturing vast improvements in the user interface. You can have button blinks to signify suggestions, you can black out buttons that are meaningless in context, .... ok, better stop myself before I go too far. :-D

As it is, you can do cool visual effects, dim the buttons with the dim settings (as a practical example), etc.

Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Translucent Buttons - 23/01/2002 18:28

I would like it if the glow in the dark material could be mixed into the button plastic. This way, you can offer a "cheap" alternative to having to modify the electronics and thus voiding the warranty. I would be interested in having the glow in the dark buttons placed in front of Ultra-violet "''blacklight" LEDs for really startling effects at night. (I am thinking of flaring the LED and then having afterglow effects, etc).

Posted by: traintrax

Re: Translucent Buttons - 11/02/2002 19:29

Any updates on the blue buttons?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Translucent Buttons - 11/02/2002 23:07

Brian is still working on this, and hopes to be able to offer actual kits for sale soon.
Posted by: lopan

Re: Translucent Buttons - 12/02/2002 14:36

Hey thats really cool... I noticed your buttons had some air bubbles in them... I spent 6 years in art school, had several SPFX classes... I'd gladly make you some cool translucent buttons in whatever color you want in exchange for a kit! Hell I'll even make you a nice 2 piece silicone injection mold! (sorry for the solicitation but glowing buttons are cool!)
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Translucent Buttons - 12/02/2002 14:53

Seriously? Where have you been for the last year? We've been dying to get translucent buttons molded for a long time.
Posted by: lopan

Re: Translucent Buttons - 13/02/2002 07:28

Seriously! I'm a little outta practice being that I've been a sys admin for the last 6 years, but I already got my matierial in the mail.... I'm new to empeg though, just got my player 3 weeks ago... waiting to get it back now, I had to send it in for repairs along with the tuner. But when I get it back I'm going to try and mold the buttons. I'll have to be creative being that I only have one set of buttons I wanna do it with materials that won't leave the original buttons flawed. But that should be easy enough with a temporary alginate mold or flex wax mold... When I finish I plan to have a small but simple silicone mold of the buttons, I'll leave two small holes in each button mold for insertion of an injector... I've never really done anything this small before (normally big alien heads, severed hands... that kinda thing) but hopefully I can get it in one or two try's
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Translucent Buttons - 13/02/2002 10:04

You can get extra button sets from the Empeg guys if you're doing this kind of project. That way you won't have to worry about damaging one of your button sets in making the molds.
Posted by: lectric

Re: Translucent Buttons - 13/02/2002 12:14

'nother interested party here...
Posted by: rob

Re: Translucent Buttons - 13/02/2002 13:21

Email for a few extra sets of buttons. I don't think we have any spare Mk.2A knobs but we have lots of Mk.2 ones - the outside profile is the same, but the inside profile of the shaft is different.

Posted by: beaker

Re: Translucent Buttons - 13/02/2002 13:29

That's exactly what I've got in mind. I bought some 'Siligum' two-part Silicone moulding putty. I've started making some moulds which I'm going to inject some of that clear casting resin into with an old inkjet cartridge refilling syringe. As per usual I haven't had time (too busy reading some little MP3 player BBS ) to finish the moulds off yet.
Posted by: lopan

Re: Translucent Buttons - 13/02/2002 19:39

Talked to him today via email (said he'd throw some buttons in the mail) So I'm good ta go!
Posted by: bmihulka

Re: Translucent Buttons - 14/02/2002 10:04

Just to let everyone know I will have kits soon. I have sorted out the air bubble problem and as soon as I get some time I'll get the kits together and post info.
Posted by: mandiola

Re: Translucent Buttons - 14/02/2002 10:49

Sweet! Any idea on the cost? its not a big deal, i just wanna know how much to not spend this 5 day break ; )

Posted by: Chao

Re: Translucent Buttons - 14/02/2002 13:32

I'm trying to develop something worthwhile as well, my father is a commercial artist, so I've been exposed to all sorts of resins and materials. Hopefully I can get a nice result out of it
Posted by: puckalicious

Re: Translucent Buttons - 15/02/2002 06:42

Anyone else interested in Pontiac amber buttons? This is sweet!
Posted by: Chao

Re: Translucent Buttons - 17/02/2002 21:30

Can you give me a link to a picture? I drive a 98 Grand Prix, however I'm unsure what buttons you're talkin' about.