Advice needed for MGB install in Seattle

Posted by: mail2mm

Advice needed for MGB install in Seattle - 24/07/2002 23:05

My friend, Chris, has been restoring his grandfather's 1964 MGB. He has now reached the point that he is ready to install the Rio Car Mk2a, 60 GB, player which has been in its box for the past 8 months.

He plans to install it, replacing the original AM car radio, in the center console in front of the gear shift. Yes, the original 6 volt system is no more, replaced with a negative ground 12 volt electrical system. He has neither the time or electrical talents to install it himself. We need some help.

1. We would welcome suggestions of an individual or shop that would do a great job of installing the Rio Car in the MGB. Chris lives in Carnation, Washington (Seattle area).

2. Chris expects to install the Rio Car with two speakers possibly suplemented by a subwoofer. Suggestions on a suitable amplifier and speakers?

Thanks for your interest. I look forward to your suggestions.

2 - Rio Car Mk2a, 60 and 20 GB
Posted by: rob

Re: Advice needed for MGB install in Seattle - 25/07/2002 06:15

You should take a look at Sally's incredible MGB install at the photo gallery.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Advice needed for MGB install in Seattle - 25/07/2002 07:42

Doesn't Sally even have a separate web site with a complete account of the restoration and stereo installation process? Anyone have that address?
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Advice needed for MGB install in Seattle - 25/07/2002 13:23

Anyone have that address?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Advice needed for MGB install in Seattle - 25/07/2002 13:33

Cool, thanks.
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: Advice needed for MGB install in Seattle - 25/07/2002 16:54

Yes, take a look at, then once you have, you could either:

A) Take the MGB, that URL and a very thick check book over to these guys .


B) Just bring the MGB, the Empeg, and that checkbook to Ballard, drop it off with me (we can meet, say at the Tully's on Market -- that'd be me in the corner with the sunglasses and fake moustache), and I'll give you a call just as *soon* as I am done.

Seriously, I saw some of Innovative's work in progress and it looked marvelous, but $$$

Posted by: mail2mm

Thanks - 25/07/2002 19:48

Thanks everyone for pointing us to Sally's MGB installation. The great pictures are great, the installation impressive and her discussion of choices she made is very useful. Jim, Chris works in Kirkland, not far from Bellvue, so he will be going to Innovative Audio soon to discuss this with them.

After looking at Sally's installation I got the feeling that the cost of the MGB project just went up significantly!

Thanks again. I welcome anyone's further input.

Posted by: crewe

Re: Thanks - 20/08/2002 12:44

Hi everyone!

Wow - I haven't checked in at the board for months and suddenly you're all talking about me!

Michael, you don't need to go as crazy as I did. It was the components I chose which cost the big bucks, but the actual installation was fairly cheap. My local audio place (granted, they are national award winning installers!) created the MDF false trunk floor and the back ledge sub woofer box for a couple hundred pounds, and that's where the real wow factor comes into my install, not so much the fact that I splashed out on a fancy amp.

Btw, I just took deliver of an '02 Miata (of course I'm keeping the MGB as well!!!) so I will be posting very soon as I start needing help with a brand new install.

Let me know if you want any help with anything Michael. I learned a *lot* during that install.