Two minor bugs

Posted by: tfabris

Two minor bugs - 11/01/2000 10:43

First bug: I noticed this the day I got the player, but I forgot to bring it up until now. The visualization that shows the bouncy artist:title text in really big letters (there are three variations on this vis)... sometimes it puts a piece of garbage graphic in front of the artist name.

Some notes about when it happens:

1) The graphic garbage appears to be a random piece of the frame buffer that holds the rendered lettering.

2) When it happens, it doesn't happen right away. It sometimes takes a few scrolls before it appears.

3) When it happens, I can induce the bug by switching the vis between fullscreen and info display back and forth a few times.

4) It only happens on strings of a certain length. For instance, I was just looking at it, and the string "Steve Morse: Ghostwind" produced the bug, but the string "Sting: Fields of Gold" did not produce the bug. Perhaps it's related to the fact that it's a proportional font being used to render the letters.

Second bug: When you adjust the volume with the remote control, the track up/down buttons on the remote will continue to adjust the volume after the slider has appeared on the screen.

I understand that the track up/down buttons are the same as the volume buttons when you're using the front panel, but they should really be independent when you're using the remote. Is there any way to make the behavior different when using the remote?

The biggest problem is that this bug causes a safety hazard. Let's say I want to alter the volume and immediately change the track. For instance, my favorite song starts up, but it's too quiet. So I grab the remote, bump up the volume and then I want to hit the track-down button to restart the song. Well, I have to wait until that little slider disappears before I can hit the track-down button. Which means I'm looking at the display, not the road, during that period.

Posted by: rob

Re: Two minor bugs - 11/01/2000 12:59

I've noticed the scrolling visual text bug as well - I'm sure it hasn't always done that though. I'll pass it on to Toby of Prolux.

The button action in the volume change is consistant with the UI - you don't have to wait for the slider to auto-close, just press the top button (or * on the remote keypad).


Posted by: tfabris

Re: Two minor bugs - 11/01/2000 13:07

Yeah, Mike replied to me by e-mail with the same answers (since I dutifully mailed with the same message). I gave him my opinion about UI design in the case of the volume control.

Posted by: Dredd

Re: Two minor bugs - 11/01/2000 17:38

Solution to the problem... the "top" button, when in volume mode, exits volume mode.

So you could do: (hold-right)[increase volume](up)[exit volume-mode](left)[start track over]

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Two minor bugs - 11/01/2000 17:58

Thanks, I know that. However, not everyone is going to figure that out. It's counterintuitive and frustrating to someone who is used to consumer audio equipment.

Posted by: schofiel

Re: Two minor bugs - 12/01/2000 03:57

Don't forget the general exit key for all functions is *, so when you have just set the volume, add a * followed by "track back" to your sequence.

Don't even have to take your eyes off the road - unless you have trouble with the remote; so you could invest in the Kenwood steering remote controller that Mike mentioned (and I'm about to treat myself too - yippee!!!!) and your problems are history!

Posted by: Dredd

Re: Two minor bugs - 13/01/2000 13:48

I don't know... once I figured out the top button always seemed to function as an "Exit" command, the "exit volume mode" was a very quick logical (read there: No though required) extension.

Give consumers credit. :) They're not total idiots. :)

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Two minor bugs - 13/01/2000 14:34

Give consumers credit. :) They're not total idiots. :)

I dunno, I'm one of the more intelligent ones, and I'm an idiot 90 percent of the time.

Here, try this: