1.03: Still cannot use ethernet

Posted by: Squid2k1

1.03: Still cannot use ethernet - 09/07/2001 08:16

Just in case anyone was still wondering, my problem of using ethernet to synch with my EMPEG still does not work with v1.03. If I knew how I would add links to my previous posts. But, suffice to say, I am having to use USB when I would prefer Ethernet (I have a home network setup so that all my rooms are wired and I wanted to place my EMPEG in my HTS setup and leave it there and be able to manage it without having to bring it to my PC).

18GB of Green Mk II Fury - Fast As A Shark
Posted by: Roger

Re: 1.03: Still cannot use ethernet - 09/07/2001 08:44

1. Get a trace from the player bootup (using 115200,8/n/1, no flow control).
2. Get a trace from emplode (Tools/Options/Troubleshooting)

Send them to carsupport@empeg.com -- they'll probably forward it on to me. I'll take a look.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Squid2k1

Re: 1.03: Still cannot use ethernet - 09/07/2001 09:11

Roger, thanks. I will do that tonight (USA EST) and will forward it tomorrow/tonight.

18GB of Green Mk II Fury - Fast As A Shark
Posted by: Squid2k1

Re: 1.03: Still cannot use ethernet - 12/07/2001 08:24

Roger, I am about to send the information (been too busy, unfortunately) but I wanted to let you know that last night I had the problem and another problem. It could not find the EMPEG via ethernet at all after it failed the synch. Then this morning when I put it in the car the EMPEG displayed Rebuilding Music Databases... for awhile, then played normally.

Now I am at work and I just plugged it in and it gave me the Rebuilding Music Databases... It did not last as long but this has not happened before.

18GB of Green Mk II Fury - Fast As A Shark
Posted by: tfabris

Re: 1.03: Still cannot use ethernet - 12/07/2001 09:54

I think the "Long Rebuilding Music Databases" problem is because of a recent failed synch. I'm pretty sure it will continue to do that until you can do a successful re-synch. Once you've successfully re-synched, the message will go away.

Tony Fabris