Probably the best one that fits this description is the Canon S30. That's the one you have, isn't it Tony?

Assuming you meant this Tony, I don't have the S30, I have the S110.

It fails to meet two of the criteria in your list: Good zoom and long battery life.

In my case, I was willing to give up the zoom and the battery life so that I could have an ultra-compact camera (this thing is downright tiny). The extra battery is very small and easy to carry in a pocket, so that covers the battery issue.

The zoom is a bit more thorny. It's the only thing I find myself wishing were better on this camera. There have been times when I was not able to zoom in as far as I wanted to. I have to keep telling myself, "yeah, but if the camera weren't so tiny, you wouldn't have even brought it on this trip in the first place, so shut up about the zoom already."
Tony Fabris