Not sure if you missed it while you were gone, but the "launcher" utility seems to do exactly that...
And if I'm not mistaken, this Launcher requires a custom init?
I'm talking about something much simpler than that. I want to be able to instruct people in the FAQ to do very simple steps that don't involve changing inits or anything. For instance, if someone wants to run Empacman, I want to be able to tell them:
- Install Hijack.
- FTP the file "empacman" to /drive0/var/
- Tag the "empacman" file with the Read and Execute flags.
- Edit config.ini and add [Userland] Empacman=/drive0/var/empacman
- Reboot the player. Empacman will now appear as an option in the Hijack menu.
Making a non-linux person edit their init is far more trouble than it should be. And then, all their hard work is erased as soon as they upgrade to the latest player software. Having this all done natively from within Hijack would work so much better because none of that stuff would get lost during an upgrade (provided you install the games to the proper partition).