Hey Tony,
Its been weeks since my last post, the "10 days" you said was the hold up has come and gone - my colleague has had no reply from you and he has emailled your autovation email address to no avail from you.

So, whats the score - you indicated that you had 3 customers with orders outstanding, well how about communicating with them!!

I know some folks are getting real itchy fingers over this and want to start taking this further.

I'm sure that you know what selling goods, charging their CC and then not supplying them is called - hey we had this problem earlier this year 'round here, and we don't want a repeat.

I'm sure you've got many happy customers, but its attention to detail and keeping ALL customers happy & informed is important - I'm sure you know what I mean.

So, lets not make a federal case out of this - right?

I'm waiting