I dunno but it reminds me of my current favorite bumper sticker:
I see dumb people.

Argh, they can't even get the bumper sticker right. It's supposed to be "I see stupid people".

See, the gag is: Haley Joel Osment, the child actor who played the "I See Dead People" kid in "The Sixth Sense", also played the part of Forrest Gump's son in "Forrest Gump". And the big line from Forrest Gump was "Stupid is as stupid does".

So you see, if it's "I see dumb people", it doesn't work, it has to be "I see stupid people" in order for it to be truly clever.

It's like one vendor who sells T-shirts at the conventions I attend. They put characters and famous lines from movies on the t-shirts, but they get the lines wrong. For instance, they sell one of the limbless Black Knight with the caption "I'll bite your kneecaps off!". If it's not the right line, then it's not funny, it's just sad.
Tony Fabris