Spam Assassin requires Outlook... I'm not about to start using Outlook on my home machines just to use Spam Assassin.

Mailwasher seems to work very well but needs a few features (at least the older version I'm running). I'll update to the new version and see if I can have it work as automated as I need it.

My domain host (using my own email domain) has also updated their web mail program - it now supports a couple of dozen spam lists and servers as well as manual spamcop forwarding. Out of the 60 emails sitting in my inbox this weekend, it left only 3 SPAM messages after turning on a few of the lists (I'll have to go through and turn on some of the others).

I could easily eliminate most of my SPAM with procmail on the host server, but I've been ultra-lazy to set this up. I get mail to two domains in my account, both of them supporting catch-all addressing. Most of the spam comes to a few addresses, so even matching those eliminates most of it (it's a good idea to create throw-away addresses when using your email address for something that doesn't need a permanent record).

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