You might also consider trying to substitute drinks will less caffeine in them. Tea, for example, has less caffeine than coffee. And, if you want, you can get just as obscure and snobby about your tea as you might about your coffee beans. Mmm... yin hao jasmine tea....

When I was a college freshmen, I was drinking way too much coffee, until one day I said "gee, I wonder why my hands are shaking?" I dropped the coffee, went with tea (no sugar or cream for me), and managed to avoid any serious withdrawl symptoms.

A few years ago, when I was getting into running, my doctor told me to drop caffeine entirely (athletes need to stay hydrated, and caffeine is a diuretic). It sucked for a while, but now I have my trusty 1 liter bottle of water next to me at work all the time and I don't really miss the caffeine. And, just think of all the money I save in restaurants not buying Coke! (Although, there's always beer.)