For me, one big part of the weight loss was getting rid of the Pepsi I usually kept stocked in my home and my office.

The problem is, I think diet colas taste like panther piss. So Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke were out.

I tried a bunch of different diet drinks, tiring of each one after a certain number of months.

I spent time with Diet Squirt, Diet Mountain Dew, and generic equivalents. Those are fine for a while, but I started to really get sick of them. I found that Diet Dr. Pepper is really good, and doesn't make me retch like Diet Coke/Pepsi. That one I drank for a very very long time.

Recently, my latest passion is Diet Peach Snapple Iced Tea. I like the diet version better than the non-diet version, which is too strong. I now buy it several 12-packs at a time so that I make sure not to run out.

I still have the problem of, when I'm out to dinner/lunch, being unable to order a drink I can tolerate because all they have is Diet Coke. So I just say "screw it" and get a real sugar drink. I don't eat out often enough for that to make a dent in my diet.
Tony Fabris