Well, I did a search on the Pioneer unit on PriceWatch and came up with some interesting stuff. There are 3 dealers on there that list it. I've never bought from these guys, so I don't know how good their service is, but I've bought from a few vendors off PriceWatch without incident so far. Anyhow, the 3 dealers are: Beach Camera, Buy Dig, and TechNet Deals. They have prices listed of $289, $289, and $383, respectively. I did a quick search on the net using Lycos and this place turned up. I like the fact that they're a BBB member, even though that doesn't mean they're reputable, hehe. Supreme Video has it for $309.99.

I'd buy a progressive scan player, but I really want a DVD changer. I know it's the ultimate in laziness, but I'd prefer to keep my DVD's in the thing most of the time, so I don't have to go hunting for them. I'll probably wait for someone to make one before I take the DVD plunge. (I'm still a little irked that everyone stopped making laserdiscs all of a sudden.)

Thanks for all the info! If you decide to pick up the player, let me know how much of a difference you see in the picture.
