I really don't think that a few off topic messages are going to turn people away. That's the reason we change the subject. If the subject no longer interests you, you can stop reading. I know what you mean, but the people that come here realize that the is more of a "family" (no mafia ties, though... Yo, Tony! Go get da boys! ---Sorry, Tony, you just seem to fit into a lot of posts.) than simply a message board. The people on here are so willing to help out that just about anything can be asked. Granted, we don't want to stray too far off topic or do it fairly often, but every once in a while is okay, I think. Tony and I (and now you) have mentioned in our responses that this is way off topic and we probably should get more talk about Empeg, but it just happens.

We're all friends here. What do friends do? They talk... about anything.

Again, you are right, though, this does need to be minimized. I'll stop talking DVD's now. Deal?
