
I don't have a copy of StreetAtlas yet (hopefully will soon) but I was thinking...

Okay, the purpose of this dual-program trick is so that you can use the serial ports to fake your PC into thinking a Garmin is attached, then capture the route data that got sent to the Garmin. Then you turn around and translate that data into a GPSapp-readable format and send it to the player.

What if, instead...

Someone wrote a program to run on the empeg itself which did all this internally to the player? In other words, it sits on the player, listening on the serial port, and emulates a Garmin. Not a complete Garmin emulator, just enough of a subset so that it will accepte route files. Then it could internally translate that data to the proper GPSapp compatible format and save it to the "routes" directory. You could run it in @AC mode and have GPSapp run in @DC mode, so it'd be pretty much transparent. You could deactivate it when you needed to use the serial port for something else.

Or even better... Since GPSapp is listening on the serial port anyway... Build this all into GPSapp. Have GPSapp emulate a Garmin and accept the route files directly.

Either way, this would be so much more efficient. You wouldn't need any loopback cables or special software on the PC, just any program that writes routes to a Garmin. Suddenly, the problem of getting good map data for GPSapp is solved.

Don't you just love how I come up with ideas that I couldn't possibly implement myself?
Tony Fabris