I completely agree with you, I'm all for the right to bear arms... but a friend of mine recently got his concealed carry license here in VA... You'd be surprised by the questions, very little had to do with gun safety, mostly stupid questions like "are you a terrorist" "do you have mental illness" "are you a felon" etc. So basically all you have to do is answer a few stupid questions, I think there is a 2 hour class envolved, but the class is only required if you want to be able to carry your gun around with you, and the class from what I gathered from him, is tought on a 3rd grade level (for lack of better words). I feel this is just more then a little silly.
I have a cousin who's a cop, he used to work a ghetto type area. He said the majority of gunshot wounds he saw "in the field" were to the lower abdomen and mostly the legs. Aparently no body tought the "gangsta thugs" in the area in which he worked the proper way to hold the gun, straight and not pointed downward and sideways...

If your gonna bust a cap in someones ass, at least learn the proper way, and make sure to keep the safety on until busting said cap...
Seriously I do think there needs to be a little more envolved then filing at the gun store and taking it home.