Now you're getting too advanced for me Tony
Perhaps. I was just hoping to save you another trip to Radio Shack. If I were trying to install a tuner and ran into that problem, my situation would be:

- I have plenty of old "mono" potentiometers lying around amongst my electronics junk, just no stereo ones.

- I have plenty of fixed-value resistors lying around.

- I have RCA plugs lying around.

- I have a multimeter.

- I have a strong aversion to walking into Radio Shack stores, so I actively avoid doing so when I can.

- I know that there is an advantage to doing electronics modifications "solid-state", i.e., with no moving parts such as potentiometers which could get dirty/corroded, bumped, affected by temperature, etc.

The thing I was trying to describe was a quick way (assuming you have the equipment listed above) to create a solid-state solution to the problem. Essentially doing a quick rough measurement of the amount of needed resistance by playing with an extra mono potentiometer, then using solid-state parts to reproduce that resistance.
Tony Fabris