As well it should

USB: 12Mbits/s (1.5MBYTES/s)
Hi-Speed USB: 480Mbits/s
Both Ethernet and Fast Ethernet should be Much faster the issue seems to be in the negoation the Empeg is doing with the Hub. I could drag it into work and get more info but I bet Hugo and Tony could rattle it off the top of there heads after drinking 42 beers each.

As work I banged my head blood trying to find out why one set of Computers would work and the other set showed link down cable problem,,, it ended up being a negotation issue between the SMC 12XX Cards and the Enterasys 10base 24 Port switch cards when the card and the nic were both set to Auto Negotaion they would fail negotion and retry over and over again (No link or VERY slow Link depending on the on the mood of the computer)

best fix was to set the port on the card to 10full and the Nic to match. Problem solved..

IS there a setting like this on the empeg ???

Edited by belezeebub (25/05/2003 22:44)
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