Cup stacking? Pffft. Has anyone ever seen this chick perform live?

Here's a description of it for those who haven't ever seen it:

"The "unicycle bowl flip," demonstrated by Nancy, at right and below, demands the mastery of several skills at once: riding a unicycle with one foot, balancing an ever-taller, increasingly-wobbly stack of bowls on her head, and kicking and catching on her head several bowls at a time. Each successive flip is done with a greater number of bowls--and the bowls already caught are stacked high upon her head. As the stack of bowls on her head grows taller (and thus less stable), Nancy must exercise greater care to keep them from falling. At a certain point, she must catch the flipped bowls blind, since she cannot look up without dropping those already perched on her head. Nancy holds the world record for this trick, and her feat was broadcast on the Guinness World Records television show in 1999."

I saw her do that live at the halftime of a Sixers game one time and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Now, the obvious question is "why, God, why?" But hey, her name is in the Guiness Book of World Records, and mine isn't, so who am I to judge.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff