onecentcds totally rocks. I've bought stuff from them just for kicks because it was so cheap.

I've been pondering for years just HOW they opperate. They're west coast USA (I believe). How DO they get so many CDs? Do they buy them from people, do they buy them from CD stores who want to unload them, do they steal them, do they buy them on the black market?

I worked at a CD store who bought and sold used CDs heavily. The prices we paid for CDs compaired to the price we got for them really wasn't THAT much. And we were dependant on people bringing in their unwanted junk. Sure, rarely, they brought in good stuff, but often it was total crap that never sold.

onecentcds (who I thought was called "mariescds at one point) seems to have the bad, the ugly, AND the good CDs. How do they manage?!

And yes, I'm with the other guy, I don't buy "supposedly new" or used newer electronics from EBay because of sketchy sellers. But I do scour EBay for hard to find electronics and other stuff that I just love. And I try to ALWAYS buy from sellers who've owned the stuff and used it personally; not bulk scrap-lot buyers who refurb and resell junk.

I'll soon be listing my Nikon Coolpix 800 digital cam if anyone's interested. (sorry for the plug)
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set