I've got a friend in Chicago that was going to box up his P-II 300 and send it to me to fix because "I'm an expert." Why is it that people that work in the computer field are allegedly experts in building/repairing PCs? I push polygons for crying out loud, not build PCs! My PC works because I pay attention to what I put on it! Actually last night he called and asked me what video card he can upgarde to, then reminded me I looked up awhile ago, I told him to go to google and look up his model number of the IBM branded PC. He asked if he can't I just go to the IBM site and do it. I said, "Hey you've got a clue, go work with it!" I bet he calls me in a few weeks askign the same question again. It didn't take too long the first time, but the annoying thing is he never wrote it down, bookmarked it or anything.
It's not that hard to be an ass, really, and it saves time in the long run.
Dave Clark Georgetown, Texas MK2A 42Gb - AnoFace - Smoke Lens - Dead Tuner - Sirius Radio on AUX